Jun 24, 2010 21:53

My family is having landlord problems.


Fuck! Why can't anything ever go right with this?! I may full well be homeless in a week because our current landlord is too damn apathetic to fill out a simple form so we can officially get a townhome that we can easily pay for. It's ridiculous.

He doesn't want to fill out the form because we've been late. The form only asks if we've been late by a full month- the latest we've ever been is two weeks, and we've ALWAYS more than caught ourselves up. The reasons we were late? My dad lost his job and my mom got cancer! And another reason: the rent for this house is $2,000. Rent for the townhome? $1,300! HELLO. WE CAN AFFORD THAT WITH EASE. JUST SIGN THE DAM PAPERS.

Even if he gives us a BAD review, it'd get us in! We just need him to fill out the form but he won't!!

This is all far too much. Too much crap has happened to my family in the past three+ years. I don't even know how to cope with it anymore.


He had a change of heart and filled out the form with a glowing recomendation. This guy is worse than a girl on her period, but w/e, he submitted the form!! 8D


He filled the paper out, but we still didn't get the place. Fuck. x.x

stress, landlords, fml, rent

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