This cannot be healthy.

Feb 09, 2010 18:57

I am OBSESSIVELY checking how many of those Pados are in stock. Like, if I'm not actively doing something or if I even briefly think about it, I will go to the Dollmore site and see how many there are. Every time I check, I hold my breath until the x-number of dolls are 'put in my cart', freaking out that I'll get a 'quantity not enough' message and that means there's ONE LESS CHANCE AT THIS BEAUTIFUL SNARKY GOD. 0___0

(If anyone is curious, there are 16 and I swear to god if they run out because you buy one I will FIND YOU. XD)

Continuing on the doll trend, still waiting for Clio to ship. This is, what, waiting day... 33? With 10 of those weekends? So 23 business days, give or take? So I could be waiting at least 17 more days? Mrrr! What REALLY sucks is that Fairyland was totally on a roll of pumping out orders fast, but they seem to have gotten mired up for the EXACT batch of dolls Clio would come from. In the waiting room, all the dolls up until order day January 6th have been shipped- and guess who ordered January 7th? This girl. I WOULD have that luck, yanno?

Oh, well, just gives me more time to amass my face-up supplies. I could not make myself pay more in shipping than the total price of the purchase, so I'm being brave and using Testor's Dullcoat. As I'm not super OCD about slight yellowing, keep my room dust-free due to asthma and have no intentions of touching the face/getting outfits that would brush against the face when put on, I think I'll be a-okay. And it was cheap, mainly because the guy at the hobby store felt like crap that his co-worker totally ignored me. All I have left on my to-buy list are pastels, brushes, thinner and gloss, so I'm pretty ahead of schedule.

Now to being DESIGNING Clio's face-up!

Anyway, today was awesome until physics, where I had a mini-breakdown because I'm stupid. Eh. I figure I'll get through this year and start physics all over again as if this year never happened. Take an entry level physics course and be all, 'Oh, hi, what's YOUR name, we've never met before? Oh, you brought your friends the kinematics equations and Newton's Laws? How sweet, I hope we'll be best pals in no time.'

Other than that, I was ON today. Demolished some history questions the teacher did not expect and pulled a crap ton of lit theories out of the air ('Psychoanalytical theory? Yeah, sounds doable, let's answer that.'). Got to the point where if my English teacher asked a question, EVERYONE in the room turned to look at me. Kind of a nice feeling.

Also, it may snow again. So we may miss more school. I can't complain, but I am fully aware that this will bite me in the ass later...

ALSO THE SECOND: my art teacher graded the wrong sketchbook pages! She regraded ones she'd already graded, didnt't even REMEMBER that she'd graded them before, AND actually gave me a higher score than the original score! I mean, what the hell Scurly, that's just weird.

Finally, I just powered through half a bag of gummy bears, direct from Germany a la my amazing friend who did a huge MUN/Europe trip these past two weeks. They're amazing, but so much richer than American gummy bears, so I may go puke up some spectacular pure fruity goodness now. (And can I just say Zitrone is TOO awesome a word for lemon? And apparently the German for strawberry and raspberry literally translate to earthberry and skyberry. Cute!)

So yeah. Gotta get back to being the bookie for the senior 'Will There be School Tomorrow?' betting pool. Duty calls.

... I WANT THAT DOLL!!! *__*


snowpocalypse, face-ups, school, physics, bjds

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