I am REALLY, REALLY SORRY about taking so long, guys, and about not being around much recently. I've been busier than I have in a while, and it just kept slipping my mind between uni applications and volunteering and all sorts- for some reason I thought we were much further off a new post.
If there is anything I haven't responded to, as of now, I'm
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This is why I've always loved this AU so much, I think. I've just been trying to find the right way to put it for a while. In a world that is completely warped and disturbing, there's been hope through the whole thing. This stands out among all of the other genderbent AUs, and evil AUs, because there's been a twistedly optimistic undercurrent through this whole thing and I love it. Instead of the feeling that "everything is bad in this verse and people are screwed up and isn't it sad and then they all died" (which can be really effective and haunting), they find something better in each other and there was the movement towards, maybe not salvation, but whatever their own screwed up version of the light would be. And even if for some awful reason you decided that this still needs to end on a "And then EVERYONE DIED IN THE WORST POSSIBLE WAY" ending (please don't do that), that would have still been the case.
Rae quitting to become a good guy is perfect, and exactly what made me have that epiphany up there. Or at least what made me think of how to put it. It kind of kills me that she's probably about Dixie and Willow being beyond saving, especially because what makes it so hard for them to see what's right and wrong is the innocence they've managed to keep. Gaaaah, this AU is amazing.
Oh, right, the plot's coming soon! (This is going to have a plot? Brilliant.
Kay, on that whole hope note? Immana go find me some Saint Walker on tumblr now.
Hope is a big thing for me. A lot of this fic is inspired by episodes of Criminal Minds I've watched (and I've watched them all) because I like to analyze their minds and stuff, and I think that everyone deserves/has a little hope in them. Now that they've found each other, they have a lot.
I hate to tell you this, and I can't tell you too much for fear of revealing everything, but there is going to be a lot of tragedy. Not everyone is going to die, but there is going to be death and sadness and I may even make you cry :(.
And yes. PLOOOOOT. It's not even planned plot, it just snuck in. :0
I have mixed feelings about Rae becoming a super, but that's just because I feel it might ruin the OTTeam aspect of this story which I love. OTTeam is kind of my favorite pairing, and I love it here.
I also loved how Dixie seemed to get more human/less insane while she and Willow were having sex as shown in the italics. I thought that was great. I also loved the bit of Spitfire that you sneaked in with Apollo fixating on Willow.
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