I am REALLY, REALLY SORRY about taking so long, guys, and about not being around much recently. I've been busier than I have in a while, and it just kept slipping my mind between uni applications and volunteering and all sorts- for some reason I thought we were much further off a new post.
If there is anything I haven't responded to, as of now, I'm
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He suspected that no one got his signals either but he knew his father was happy to see him. He also gave off the 'strawberry scent' as Wally phrased it. Even if they didn't speak much they could tell the other was genuinely happy to see the other. But today was different Batman was smirking a bit and Superman was giving off a self conscious green apple like scent. Connor could smell his own emotions shift to a confused vanilla scent before he was met with an annoyed vinegar scent assaulting his nostrils. "Stop it Superboy." Superman said crossing his arms as the teen shrunk back a bit. Batman glared at Superman for it while the rest of the team looked at the kryptonian like he had just grown a second head.
Batman hit something on the side of his cowl and Connor felt the dark knights eyes on him. "Purple...Superman, he doesn't know what your going on about." Batman said scowling a bit at the older Kryptonian who got a scowl back. "It's not normal and I'm not engaging in that kind of....I don't even know what to call it." Superman said as he crossed his arms. Green Arrow and Black Canary both looked at the bickering heroes with confusion before Batman fixed the man of steel with his patented Batglare. "Stop being Kryptophobic, it is a natural form of communication for Kryptonians. And since you are both sons of Krypton it IS normal for you to communicate this way." Batman said crossing his own arms as Connor looked at them.
He didn't show any emotion but Superman knew exactly what he was feeling he could see and smell it, Batman could only see it. Connor smelled of rain and his body heat was now giving off a forest green colour. Connor was hurt. The form of communication with the one person who could genuinely understand him wasn't normal? Superman avoided looking at him, angry that the bat had figured out his secrete, which made Connor feel even more hurt then before. Batman cleared his throat as he continued to glare at Superman, he was going to make them talk this out. And he knew who to help him with it. But right now there were more pressing matters. "Alright team you have a mission in.." Connor blocked out the bat, not wanting to listen to him as he tried to figure out why his father was so angry, and hurt. It hurt being rejected like this, and he was sure that M'gann would be able to feel how hurt he was but he didn't show it the way the others would have. He didn't know how.
When they finally docked Superman had his back turned to them in the entrance to the docking bay, Black Canary, wearing heat vision goggles and holding a clipboard stood with him as she inspected the smaller Kryptonian. "Hmm...still green...so he is still...upset?" The blond woman said going over the notes Batman had given her. Connor blinked a few times as he walked over to her. Using his heat vision he noticed that his father was anxious, nervous, and confused all at once. "Well, lets see if I can't help you out. Your both to come to my office for some therapy. And don't try anything funny, either of you, Batman gave me something to level the playing field should either of you try and leave before we get this settled or if someone gets too angry and tries to heat vision anyone." Black Canary said as she looked pointedly at the elder son of krypton who rolled his eyes. Connor could smell the sarcastic intent rolling off him even if he didn't say anything sarcastic.
"What are we solving?" Connor asked, voicing the question the team, all standing behind him were wondering. They also wondered if it had something to do with Superman's 'kryptophobia' as Batman put it. The team had discussed it on the ride to their mission and they had decided they must have been talking about a fear of kryptonite.
"We are going to help your father, through his kryptophobia. Fearing to accept who you are is bad enough, neglecting your son because you fear that you aren't human is not an excuse." The blond woman scolded as she stared at the man of steel who didn't make any shift in posture and to a normal eye would seem perfectly normal but.."Yellow, embarrassed. There is nothing to be embarrassed about Clark. But we will discuss this further in my office." Dinah said as she began to make her way to 'therapy room' or as Dinah referred to it as her office. She was after all the group therapist, both to Young Justice and the Justice League.
"Now then. I want to see exactly how you two have been communicating thus far. Connor I was you to say exactly what you are feeling as my nose is not as strong as yours nor do I know which scent means what. Batman hasn't figured that out either. Can you do that for me?" Connor nodded as he placed his thumb on top of his fathers index finger and noticed the smell of lilacs about his father, relief, soon followed by confusion and anger. "I'm happy that I'm not the only one the thumb thing works on...but I'm confused, why are you angry that I'm trying to comfort you?" Connor asked looking up at his father who pointedly did not look at him, just tapped Connors Knee with his own and let out a small puff of air.
Black Canary was about to scold him for being difficult as Connor nodded and looked back at her expectantly. "Ummm..." She said before Connor looked back at his father then to her. "We linked out body heat up for a second through a point the G-gnomes said was called the 'oblistarian juncture' only found in Kryptonians. He let me feel what he was feeling in a sense. And that last bit was him severing the connection through the 'Amnipherim point' in the knee." Connor explained to an even more confused Black Canary. "Alright so...what are you feeling Clark?" The blond asked still trying to figure out what the hell the clone had said.
"Annoyed that I'm here, frustrated that Batman is manipulating me, hurt that he went behind my back again and started trying to figure out what makes me tick, and...confused. I...I instinctively know what Connor is feeling just by the scent he gives off, or the way his body heat looks. I can tell when he's lying by smelling his neck a bit closer when I walk by him. That's how Batman started figuring this out. He caught me scolding Connor for being sarcastic while in Metropolis, despite him not saying anything. I was raised here on earth, I can read human social cues, I look human, I pass off as human, I think of myself as human. But When I'm around Connor it's obvious to me I'm not who I think I am, I'm not who I was raised to be. I'm not...me." Superman said honestly as he avoided looking at either of them but let his pink touch Connor's ring finger in a comforting way....though only the two of them would notice. Kryptonians were subtle like that.
"But....we are who we are. I know that is weird coming from a clone but, I'm not you and I like communicating with you this way....it just feels right. It feels natural." Connor said which earned him a groan from his father who rubbed his face as he tried to figure out how to explain it better. "I know it's just....I'm...I don't know...afraid I'll stop being human if I give in to too many of my kryptonian habits. It;s already bad enough going into heat every spring. I'm just glad Batman doesn't mind it." Dinah and Connor both blinked at that. Clark was assaulted by the scent of oranges and mint, confusion and worry. "Don't worry you haven't accidentally marked anyone yet. Even if you are physically ready to mate you'll only go into heat around someone you've marked by covering them in your pheromones when you get too...how to say this...excited? It isn't always female, my mate is obviously male. But...y-yeah...this is kind of humiliating now." Clark said as Dinah scribbled more things onto her clipboard such as 'Note to self: Do not spar with Superboy in the spring....and give Batman as many condoms as he needs, the poor brave man.'
"So....your worried that you wont be you if you allow your self to be Kryptonian is what your getting at?" Dinah said as she finished her notes and looked at Clark who nodded then at Connor who furrowed his brow and looked at Clark annoyance evident to both adults in the room via different means. "No offense but that is stupid. As I told M'gann your you no matter what you are, or what you look like. Being in touch with your roots wont make you less human, it would probably just make you understand your self more." Conner said as both adults stared at him. Clark could see the self conscious colour of his body heat at their looks before shaking his head. "Well now, I wish Ollie could be that mature sometimes." Dinah said as Clark let out a small chuckle. The three of them continued their discussion for a while longer before calling it a night. they made a lot of progress in the few hours they had been talking....well the two Kryptonians had been touching each others hands and keeping very quiet for most of it but when they talked she was able to follow most of it. She just hoped that neither man would keep their emotions bottled up for just the two of them to see anymore. She had told Connor repeatedly that humans and martians couldn't tell emotions the way he did and if he wanted to be understood by the team he'd have to be more obvious about it. Smile more, laugh, pout, frown, be as expressive as Wally.
Oh how she regretted that the next morning....
The two adults in the room reacted as though nothing had happened as the team looked between themselves and at the clone. Artemis was the one to break the silence. "Jesus Wally what do you wash your hair with Kryptonian crack?"
((crap I forgot to change the 3/? to 4/5 before putting this part up. there are 5 pieces to this and all 5 are here now! ))
And wow. Telling Conner to act more like Wally...scary.
And the mating season has so many possibilities!
"Didn't you cover me in some weird gas thing last summer after we saved those porn stars from the Penguin?" Wally asked as Connor thought back to the day in question. Though if he was going to say something he wouldn't get it past Superman as he had pulled the speedster away and was smelling his neck closely. "W-what are you..?" Wally asked though he didn't get to say much else before the kryptonian put him down with a sigh as he looked over at his clone who had raised an eyebrow before his nostrils were met with the scent of green tea, rather misleading to those who didn't automatically associate it with panic. "W-what?" Connor asked as his original pointed at Wally.
"He is to you what Batman is to me." Clark said as Black Canary choked on her English muffin and Connor began to give off a very, very strong scent of Green Tea. "WHAT?!" Dinah said after managing to dislodge her breakfast enough for her to swallow properly. "Um....should I be afraid?" The speedster asked as the three panicking people in the room looked at him. Connor felt a blush cross his cheeks as he stepped behind his father figure who sighed and patted Wally's shoulder. ".....You, Flash, Batman and I need to have a talk." Was all Wally got as an explanation before the two league members began to usher him out of the room leaving a confused team and a very embarrassed Connor with an expression that clearly read 'oh shit'.
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