Part one here! Part two here! Part three here! Part four here! Part five here! Part six here! Feel free to reprompt posts from parts one, two, three or four in part five once. If you do so, I'd recommend leaving a link to your fill on the original prompt, in
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“You know, the usual Friday shenanigans,” Barry shrugged, “Everyone suddenly turning into their costumes at our first holiday party with the kids, supervillians likely to be involved as part of some distraction or crazy revenge scheme, and we’re probably the only sane three left in the building.”
“Wonderful,” Superman sighed.
“Make that the only sane four,” a familiar voice said from next to them. Were it a little more growly, Wally would have said it belonged to Batman, but the owner was in fact an unrecognizable man in a grey coat and cape, grey mask and fedora. The man bowed, doffing his hat, and added, “The Grey Ghost, at your service.”
“The who?” Wally asked, staring.
“TV show. Before your time,” Superman said.
“I can see we’re in a bit of a pickle,” the Grey Ghost turned in a strange way, like he was playing to a camera. “I suggest we attempt to establish some order and search for clues. The chaos is likely obscuring some greater nefariousness.”
“Right,” Wally said, nodding slowly, and then leaned over to whisper to his uncle, “Did he always talk like that?”
“You have no idea,” Barry whispered back, grinning with ill-concealed glee. “Just wait, I’ll bet he does one of his famous Ghost Deductions.”
Wally rolled his eyes. Somehow, he was not too impressed with the idea of a nostalgia trip regarding a show he’d never seen, but apparently was the stuff of awesome for the League’s generation. That and it always sucked when he didn’t get the joke. “Okay, well, I’m going to see if I can find my friends before they hurt themselves.”
“A wise decision, chum,” the Grey Ghost said, clapping Wally on the shoulder. “But be on your guard. I sense a fowl plot afoot.”
At the strange emphasis on the word, Barry and Superman both exchanged a look and neither could quite hide their grins, though Superman appeared to be desperately trying.
“Riiiight,” Wally said, turning and starting to walk away. “Come on, Artemis.”
“Chevalier! Chevalier! Ne me quitte pas!” she shouted, hurrying after him as fast as her skirts would allow.
Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next! :D
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