Prompt Post - Part Five [CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS]

May 02, 2011 22:39


Part one here!

Part two here!

Part three here!

Part four here!

Feel free to reprompt posts from parts one, two, three or four in part five once. If you do so, I'd recommend leaving a link to your fill on the original prompt, in case somebody is tracking ( Read more... )

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Flashes Are Family Men Pt5 thingamawhatsit May 17 2011, 01:29:50 UTC
The team sets off to Cadmus's labs to find a solution right away so Wally only hears about the fight second hand.

The first people on the scene are one's that want to contain Superboy like Black Canary and Red Tornado. Except it's a lot harder for them to contain Superboy than it is for Superboy to do serious damage. By the time back up arrives Black Canary has suffered a broken leg and Red Tornado is missing an arm.

It's Superman that knocks Supey out and to be honest Wally doesn't really want to know all the options that they were considering. The only idea he heard about was having J'onn completely wipe his mind, leaving it blank from everything, including Cudmus's surprise. That alone is enough to turn his stomach.

He does know that Uncle John, Uncle Hal and Uncle Barry were all on Supey's side. More than that he knows that Grandpa Jay arrived not long into the discussion and flat told all of them that they were going to save Supey and that to do anything else they'd have to go through him.

Grandpa Jay isn't in the league and he's been retired for years. No one argued.

It was another hour after Grandpa Jay got there before Wally and the team get back, singed and a little bruised from the mission, but ultimately successful.

A few days later when Supey's doing well enough to leave the infirmary he comes home with them.

And from the way everybody is talking he's not leaving any time soon.


OP again thingamawhatsit May 18 2011, 05:16:52 UTC
I initially had my doubts about Jay being able to pull seniority as a hero, but then again, a whole league of a supers isn't exactly about to show disrespect to their elders.

Aww, yay! The 'adoption' is more or less official! Part 4 left me had me worried for a moment there, but sometimes there needs to be a bit of conflict just to bring everything together :D


Re: OP again thingamawhatsit May 18 2011, 07:14:43 UTC
Blah. I worked for a good fifteen minutes to get that part right but anything more felt like it was a derailment or not something Wally would have followed up to ask about. He just sort of showed up and started talking to them all like he should be able to pull seniority on them and sense they aren't really used to dealing with him and he has a lot of credentials to back him up(being a Flash, having been a member of the JSA, being an elder, managing to get to retirement) everybody just sort of went along with it, at least long enough for the team to get back. It also helped that there were a good selection of the league already arguing for his position and some that, while not necessarily on Superboy's side, weren't exactly comfortable with the other options being suggested.

And yah, pretty much the purpose of it was to get the Flashes to close ranks around Superboy.

Sorry about the long response. Hope you enjoy the last bit!


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