Part one here! Part two here! Part three here! Part four here! Feel free to reprompt posts from parts one, two, three or four in part five once. If you do so, I'd recommend leaving a link to your fill on the original prompt, in case somebody is tracking
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Within a few hours, Megan’s bioship landed in front of the Kent’s house. As they stumbled off the ship, they are just in time to see Superboy walking by, carrying three crates of eggs, one in each hand and another balancing on his head. Noticing his friends, Superboy stopped and placed the crates of eggs on the ground.
“Hi guys,” he greeted. He smiled at them, stunning his teammates who haven’t seen Superboy this happy before.
“Oh we have guests.”
Martha came out of the house. Batman approached her and handed her a file. “Here’s all the paperwork. Everything should be in order, though it will take some time to process everything. But congratulations, you have a grandson,” he said.
“Thank you Batman, dear,” Martha said, taking the file.
Batman nodded.
“We’ve been worried about you Superboy,” Megan said. She’s floating a few inches off the ground. The worry is plain on her face.
“Conner,” Superboy interrupted her. “Grandma and Grandpa gave me the name Conner after my great-grandfather,” he said proudly. “So now I’m Conner when we’re not on missions, just like you’re Megan when we’re not on missions and Miss Martian when we are.”
Megan clapped, full of glee. “That’s wonderful!”
“Oh so that’s what Alfred meant,” Robin muttered to himself.
“Will you be returning back to Mount Justice?” Black Canary inquired. It’s nice that Conner finally has some semblance of a family now. There was much to teach the young boy, but never enough time. Perhaps now he would get the full attention and care he needed.
Conner shook his head. “During the weekends, yes and whenever we have missions. But I really like it here. Farming is pretty fun, and actually I want to go to school.” He looked at Batman as he said that last part.
Batman sighed before grumbling, “I’ll start the paperwork for that.”
A timer pinged from the kitchen. “That would mean the apple pie is done cooling,” Martha said. She began to usher the group of people into her kitchen. “Come on in. There’s plenty to go around. Conner, please go get your grandfather.”
Conner nodded and headed toward the barn to find Jonathan. Superman tried to sneak away before Martha stopped. “Clark Joseph Kent stop right there.”
Superman flinched. The middle name. His mother was very upset. “Yes Ma?”
“Don’t ‘yes Ma’ me,” Martha scolded. She placed one hand on her hip and waggled a finger with her other hand. “You’ve been promising me for months that I would meet Conner and I had to go and kidnap my own grandson in order for that to happen. From what Conner has told me, you haven’t even paid as so much as a drop of attention towards him. Now your father and I raised you better than that. I am very disappointed in you young man.”
Clark shrunk a little. “Sorry Ma,” he muttered out an apology. He twisted the end of his red cape with his hands.
“It’s, I just don’t, I mean,” Clark tried to explained. “It’s hard coming to terms with the fact that I have clone. Ignoring what that means on a larger scale like someone using my DNA to take over the world, it’s just hard to wrap my mind around it. Plus I don’t think I’m ready to be a father.” His shoulders sagged.
“Oh sweetie,” Martha comforted. “No one is really ready to be a parent. You’re going to make mistakes along the way, whether you want to or not. You just have to keep at it, with lots of love and patience.”
“How do I even start?” Clark asked. “Where do I start?”
“You start with hello, my name is Clark,” Martha said. “Conner has a lot of questions. He’s a curious child. He wants to know about his heritage, both here on Earth and from Krypton. He wants to know about you and you should get to know him.”
“I’ll try,” Clark promised.
“That’s all I said,” Martha said. “Now let’s get inside.”
“Do I get a piece of pie too?” Clark asked.
“No sweetie, your pie privilege has been taken away for a week because Jonathan and I had to kidnap Conner.”
Clark’s shoulders sagged again.
Martha smiled. “However you can have some ice cream.”
*chokes on laughter*
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