Part one here! Part two here! Part three here! Part four here! Feel free to reprompt posts from parts one, two, three or four in part five once. If you do so, I'd recommend leaving a link to your fill on the original prompt, in case somebody is tracking
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Artemis goes to pick up a glass of water. Her hand passes right through it.
Conner is just trying to keep in touch with everyone, and is clinging a little, he knows, but with Artemis becoming insubstantial and Kaldur randomly popping in and out of existence, he just wants to be sure that he knows where everyone is, even if that’s totally Tim’s job, and he really shouldn’t have to, maybe he can just make sure he keeps an eye on Robin, who’s got eyes on the rest of them.
Kon-El is confused, but he can’t show that, so he’s a little louder and a little brasher. He briefly thought of asking Superman what was going on, but then grew angry that he hasn’t talked to him yet, but he’s not sure why, and it’s building, almost like he’s both himself, and not himself, and okay, he really just thinks he ought to find his friends. You know, just to make sure.
Artemis is having trouble staying solid. Apparently, she doesn't have a shadow, or something, and she’s slowly fading in and out, and it’s hard to get a grasp on reality when it slips through your fingers like silky cobwebs.
Robin manifests a few new bruises and a handful of new scars, and a bullet hole that pulls when he stretches, but that's it.
By the time Batman calls for an emergency League meeting, it's far too late.
No one's been able to find J'onn, not for ages. Batman smiles, and knows why, but it's his delicious secret to keep, and he's not sharing, especially not with this bunch of clowns he doesn't even particularly like.
Aquaman is not much more useful; he's not sure where he is, or why, or even when, really. Something's messing with his memories. Half the stuff he says doesn't make any sense, and the rest makes far too much. So they don't listen to him, not even now.
Green Lantern doesn't show up. He's still a bit sore over the whole “painting a room yellow” thing, and he's kind of got his own, galaxy-wide crisis going on right now.
Diana is there, but she keeps shooting hostile looks at Aquaman, and she still doesn't get what's going on here. As of yet, no one's been able to find a good way to explain it. Well, except maybe Kaldur, but no one can really find him anymore.
Oliver and Dinah are still looking for Roy, and it isn't helped by the fact that they're having a bitter argument over infidelity and wandering eyes. Green Arrow calls in, offers nothing, is distracted, and finally, Batman kicks him off to go find his protégé. He always thought Oliver was a waste of oxygen, anyways.
Superman has retreated way across the world, entering his Fortress of Solitude and locking the door behind him. No one knows why. Bruce thinks back to their conversation, about how he wasn't feeling well, and the possibilities he'd suggested, and his worry ratchets up another notch, and he smiles.
The Flash is really the only one present who’s actually present enough to help. The flashes deal with theoretical science enough that he gets the idea of what’s happening, and he does have an idea. It might even work. But...
But everyone sees the way Batman's shoulders rise and drop, and the way five-o'clock shadow manifests, and a grin that is downright disturbing. And everyone wonders whether they can actually trust this man who they know so little about, and Barry doesn’t say a word, and nothing gets done.
Everyone tries to wake M'gann up.
No one can.
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