Part one here!
Part two here! Feel free to reprompt posts from parts one and in part three once. If you do so, I'd reccommend leaving a link to your fill on the original prompt, in case somebody is tracking the first thread.
Please note that you can still
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"Woy," Tiny!Ollie cried, looking thrilled to be getting the former sidekicks attention, "Soot, Soot." He took one hand away form Roy's neck and pointed to bow and arrow he had so loathed in Artemis's presence. And Artemis couldn't even be mad about the child's love for Roy and obvious distaste for her, one was that though she was looking for Oliver's professional approval, she didn't really feel like getting invested in another parental figure who could disappoint her (thanks dad), and two this was so freaking cute. Tiny!Ollie, with his light blond hair and his green overalls, wrapped around the muscular figure of Red Arrow, with his mask still on his face and and bow and quiver still on his back. He looked at once awkward holding the small creature who had in in many respects raised him, but also clearly happy with the small child and his affections. Artemis thought that Roy would make a good father someday, if a bit strange in his methods.
*Now everyone, lets have a moment of silence for Lian Harper, a little girl who was taken before her time by woman in the refrigerator disease. RIP and maybe come back in the relaunch.*
"Where's the target?" Roy asked as he grabbed the small bow and suction cup tipped arrows, Tiny!Ollie still resting on his arm.
Artemis pointed out where she had set it down at toddler height.
Roy sat the little boy down, and knelled next to him. He placed the bow in the tiny hands, and handed him an arrow.
"Do you know what to do, Ollie?" He asked. The little one nodded, and let it fly, missing the target by surprisingly little, Artemis thought.
"Good Job," Roy said patently. He then carefully corrected the child's stance (as much as could be done with a toddler) moved his arms and told him how to hold his bow better. The Arrow just barely missed the center this time. They continued for a while, and Artemis was even able to make a suggestion. Finally, Tiny!Ollie dropped the bow and looked at Roy.
"Woy, Ollie hungy," the child cried, once again jumping up and down, showing he wanted to be picked up.
Roy sighed, picked him up, and turned to Artemis, "Can you point me in the direction of the kitchen."
Roy dumped Tiny!Ollie into Artemis's arms, and began searching the kitchen. Artemis held the boy and was surprised at how much better behaved he was. He only tried to make a bid for freedom once.
"Do you like Chili?" Roy asked her suddenly.
"What?" she asked, as Tiny!Ollie suddenly became antsy, clapping his hands with delight.
"Chili, it's Ollie's favorite, has been since he was like a year old," He indicated the happy child, who was now crying "Chili Chili Chili, Woy make Chili."
"Oh, I don't mind chili I guess." Artemis said.
Roy gave her another strange look, even Batman had been over for some famous Arrow Chili, Ollie needed to get with the program about this girl.
"I'll make enough for everyone." Roy said absently as he took out a cutting board and started chopping onions.
The others were soon seated around the table, and Roy dished out the chili. It was a modified recipe he assured them (them being Kid Flash, the only person present who had heard horror stories of the evil Arrow Chili from Hal) it should be better for the young ones, and those with sensitive mouths. Everyone approves more or less, though Tiny!Ollie did beg and was eventually given an extra pepper for his.
"It wasn't that spicy," Artemis said, as she helped Roy clean up, "Don't know what Wally was so freaked out about."
"Woy," Tiny!Ollie, who was seated on the counter, cried, "Soot more Soot more."
"I don't think so, Kid." Roy said, "It's a little late for all that." The boy's eyes widened, and Artemis new it was going to fall apart, well, at least Roy had gotten a few hours of piece out of the child.
"How about a movie?" Roy offered quickly.
Tiny!Ollie seemed to consider this, and then nodded.
"Why don't you and Artemis go and see if anyone wants to watch with us?" Roy said, and Tiny!Ollie reached out to Artemis, wanting to get his friends to join in.
The remaining team and small mentors assembled in front of the large TV. The DVD was already in the player, and Roy had the remote ready. Ollie recognized the show immediately.
"Flynn, Flynn, Flynn." Tiny!Ollie cried happy.
"Again?" Wally asked with a sigh, "Dude, do you own any other movies?"
"You can't mess with a classic." Roy snapped.
"You know, every time I watch a movie with Dick he doesn't make me watch The Mask of Zorro." Wally reminded him, "so how come every time I watch a movie with you, it is this, or a remake or whatever."
"Wait, what is this movie?" Artemis asked.
Roy looked at her incredulously "It's the Adventures of Robin Hood, it's Errol Flynn, it's the greatest movie ever."
"It's a Green Arrow staple," said Wally, almost as incredulously as Roy, "How can you not have seen it."
"Sit." Roy ordered, pointing to the couch, "and watch the magic."
Roy sat down, the little blond boy crawled into his lap, and looked up at him with shining eyes, "Tank you, Woy." Tiny!Ollie wrapped his small arms around Red Arrow's chest as much as possible, then say down and clapped his hands, "Flynn, Flynn, Flynn."
Roy sighed as the movie started, it was was impossible to be mad at Ollie when he was so small and sweet and clearly cared. It was going to be really really hard to be all that mad after he turned back. He'd deal with it then, right now he just wanted to watch his favorite movie with his friends.
Dinah arrived at the Mountain just after Midnight. She had been planning to go to Ollie's tonight, but that had clearly not worked out. She was going to set up something for Superboy to work with and then go home. On her way back to the tube, she heard noise coming from the TV, it sounded distantly familiar. As she approached she finally grasped it, the music from the root menu of The Adventures of Robin Hood. Wondering who here would watch it, she went in to the entertainment room, and was shocked by the utter adorableness of the scene.
Roy lay on the couch, in his Red Arrow uniform (which Dinah liked, she thought the speedy hat had always been a bit much), but minus mask. Curled across his chest, in green pajamas and with a familiar yellow hat on his head, lay Tiny!Ollie. The toddler moved, and Roy's arm wrapped around him, pulling him closer and keeping him from falling.
Diana had said the magic that had turned them would be repaired the next day, Dinah hoped that this small interaction would shift the relationship, back to were it had been once.
And in the meantime, Dinah thought with a smirk, and taking out her phone and aiming the lens, this was going to be a great Christmas card.
(I'm still trying to imagine Batman as a toddler.)
no need to imagine, that is the cover of Batman 147. Don't you just love the silver age
*cracks up over BB!Ollie antics*
Also, this: chili, anyone~
Okay, they should have made Artemis Black Canary's niece who ended up Green Arrow's sidekick, or something. Ollie fails entirely at pretending. Robin and Wally are Roy's best friends. Seriously, one wrong question from either one of them would send the whole thing spiraling.
I miss Lian too. DC really pulled out all the stops in tearing Roy apart. I think he was their experimental subject. Used him to see how fans react to superheroes doing drugs and having their children killed. *sadness*
*steers back from tangent* Anyway, a lovely fill. Thank you, anon!
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