It's 3:15 am now.. And I can get to sleeeeeeeeep.....Today's "vote for a new president"s day.. WOOT.
I love to vote.. Srsly; but YUCK.. The candidates for these elections are WAY too... lame. I dunno, completely un-trust worthy.
My country is a piece of crap. We have some of the most beautiful forests in the world.. We have lakes, valleys... And everything is SOLD. Yes, SOLD.. We only have poor people and robbery, violence, lack of education left. We're doomed.. And the people ruling here is MORE in decaying state than the country itself..
I'm sad for my future children ( if i get to have some. XD Sometimes I have that need.. aha )..
Emi finished Dirge of Cerberus today and I was " GOD LORD, THANKS TO ALL THE HEAVENS YOU FUCKING FINISHED IT " I just... I dunno.. Can't stand quite much Final Fantasy games; I think it's too much magical-thingie-bishounen-characters for me. LOL. Although I must admit that Vincent looked particulary rapeable as Chaos.. And I had to tell Emi " Yes, I'll rape him " and he replied " Yes, me too " hahaha. :D
Did I ever tell you guys that I love this dude like I never loved someone in my fucking life?
Oh yes, I can be random, and all fluffy and loving and DUUUULLL..