I just found out. Course registration for ELH Year 2 is 11-12-08
I won't be in Singapore that week.
Unless i cancel my trip.
But hotel ought to have wireless right?
But what if their connection fail me?
I am kiasu. I wanna snatch my mods before they are snapped up man.
TIAH AH. of all dates.
This is not why i'm here though.
Wow. This is the phone i've been waiting for. Can i?
I tried to 'casually' mention to my mom:
Me: Mommy. Got new phone come out leh. I think not bad...
Ma: *looks at me pointedly* then?
Me: I like.
Ma: Your new touchscreen one less than 2 months right? You want to change phone AGAIN?
Me: Nooooo. More then 3 months! Maybe 4 alr.
Ma: It's quite expensive. I thought you said it is good?
Me: Ya it's good. X1 is better. Err and more ex.
Ma: *snort snort* *walks away*
hmmmm. That means no objections from her.
But my bank account will be demented. 0_0