Plastic Tears Review

Dec 27, 2010 04:04

Minna san! Merry belated christmas!
Hope you guys are enjoying christmas as much as i am :D

This is my first time posting contents on this forum so imma try out posting with a review of kame's new song "plastic tears" first to get a hang of how this works. Im not sure if this is posted before tho. im hoping to be the first. haha.

A little bit of introduction of my own liking to the band before we begin... my favourite member is kame (the rest are all tied in second spot haha). the main reason why i love him is because he, like all human being,  has so many many flaws, but when it all comes together, it formed such a unique combination. thats what makes him HIM and what makes him special. kat-tun is my ultimate bias because i like their music style, their harmony and combination :D hahah, i can go on and on about how kat-tun are the "precious ones", but well i have a topic to cover so lets move on.

Ok, so on to the main topic. Recently, kame sang the song "plastic tears" in shounen club. i am guessing that it is for the new singles "Ultimate wheels", which im waiting so anxiously for.

Please take a look at the youtube video of him (sexy) dancing and singing if you still haven't downloaded it/watched it yet (really, you should just download it!).

image Click to view

So now that everyone had looked at the video, its time for my review. to keep this more organised and neat, i will be going on one aspects at a time. so... here it goes!

Warning: the following contents are strictly the author's own opinions. i will try to be as objective as possible. You are free to comment and share your opinions but please don't be hostile. Afterall, everyone here are kat-tun fans, we should love each other, should we not? :)

The tune for this song is uber catchy. i like how it combines elements of the lyrics into the song to make the song more prominent and catchy. i have listened to the songs only 5 times and the music is already stuck in my head. It prompts me to want to listen to it more :D

ratings: 4/5

Hmmmm, compared to all the other aspects of this song, the lyrics are a bit... weak, i guess. i think the lyrics are too figurative and deep. Its deep because its not really straight cut and its hard to grasp the full meaning.
Also, from what i understand from the lyrics, "plastic tears" seemed to mean "fake tears". but then again, it seemed to be talking about another thing altogether. its really quite hard to guess. someone please enlighten me with this T.T
I guess its understandable that the english lyrics in the song are slightly flawed. but they could probably cut back on these tendency of using english lyrics. afterall, i think the japanese lyrics fits the song much more and kame looks more at ease singing them.

Let me show you an example:
Plastic tears I wanna go there (come on, baby)
Plastic tears But I can't go (why do you think so?)
Plastic tears coz pieces of glass (I can take it)
Plastic tears I maybe waste your time.
Plastic tears

Bad grammar aside, i really don get where the glass came from. and the "i maybe waste your time" part doesnt really gel with the rest of the lyrics T.T

ratings: 2.5/5

As expected from our dearest kame, he never does fail to disappoint with his flamboyant (in a good way) dance move. i dunno if its just me, but i have the feeling that this is Michael Jackson Inspired. well, i saw the infamous moonwalk somewhere, and then the crouch grabbing action a couple more times. hmmm, but whatever. what matters is that he looks hawt in the dance moves, esp those MJ inspired :D. the way he grooved is to die for man. i love the way that elements of the lyrics are also found in the choreography, like the "i wanna untie your chain" part :D
the best part of all, my favourite part of the entire choreo, is the part where he does nothing but touch himself when he sings these lines:

Plastic tears I wanna go there (come on, baby)
Plastic tears But I can't go (why do you think so?)
Plastic tears coz pieces of glass (I can take it)
Plastic tears I maybe waste your time.
Plastic tears

i literally melted. he cant be more sexy. he reminds me of everything good in the world. he brought handsome to another level. the best thing is, i paused and go back to the start of the entire thing again just so i can see the parts again. and then the whole cycle repeats itself.

Ratings: 5/5

i discussed this issue with my friends and a big argument ensued. personally, with my very very little music background (i used to learn piano and i played a small role in my school's choir), i have always felt that kame's singing is definitely not "there" yet. Do note that i have quite a high expectation of kame's singing, really. apparently, my friend thought otherwise. she said that his singing is "perfect", and she gave me the example of 1582. yes, everyone had been saying how great 1582 is, isnt it? it definitely is a great song, i love it so much and it fits his voice to the T, but i wont use that song as a comparison because half of the tunes are autotuned. i prefer aishiteiru kara, the single he sang in love yourself LE A, where it was just him and a guitar and very light piano accompaniment. haha anyway, thats really besides  the point.

what i really want to say is, kame's voice is really not "my type" of voice (i would leave elaborations for another time) , but it sounded quite nice for plastic tears. i dunno if its just me, but i have the feeling that some parts of the songs are lip-synced (don't kill me fans, i really, genuinely felt that way) because it was really too smooth for a live perf and for a dance routine that heavy. ok, maybe im jus paranoid. but it was really not bad, the singing i mean.

On the topic of lip-sync, though, i am perfectly fine with lip-synching, but it must be done in moderation. i mean they are all human afterall, not superheroes, i do not expect them to sing and scream for 4 hours today and come back tomorrow singing with a perfect voice (im talking about concerts btw). so yup,i think what kat-tun done is adequate and good.

Ratings: 3.5/5

Definitely on repeat on my itunes for the next 2 months. its really a unique combination of interesting dance steps and catchy songs. i love how i hate the lyrics yet love the entire song when it all comes together. one of my favourite song this december :D

ratings: 4/5

ok. because it is sang by kame, it redeems all the flaws so i insist on making this perfect.

ratings: 5/5 because kame is the singer.

yes i am bias but well there is nothing i can do. im a kame fan afterall :D

I would really like to hear your feelings on the song too! Tell them to me, ya!

kame, plastic tears, kat-tun

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