uterine growth

Sep 11, 2008 10:42

So, today marks the first day of my second trimester. I can't believe I am doing this again! It's so much the same yet already so different from last time. It's hard to explain.

I've always really loved artsy fartsy preggo pictures. I took some of my sister when she was pregnant the first time around, but no one took them of me. Oh we took belly pics to show how big I was getting, but it wasn't what I really wanted. Weeks ago I started looking into getting maternity photos done and it is EXPENSIVE. I started thinking about people I knew who might be willing to do me the favor of taking the pictures, because I just can't fathom me PAYING for that. Well, while on craigslist about a month ago I found a random advertisement in the Free section. Someone had put out a post asking for pregnant women interested in maternity photos to respond. I had to investigate, and sure enough it was a semi-amateur photographer seeking pregnant women and new mommies to sit for her so she can build up her portfolio. She's a new mom herself and fell in love with taking pregnancy and baby pictures and wants to hone in on that part of her craft. She is graduating from the Philadelphia school of art and has been doing weddings and portraits for a while, but with this new love for pregnant bellies and baby faces, she'd like to build up her experience. YAY FOR ME! I have a pregnant belly and a baby's face to offer. She and I have been emailing back and forth for weeks now, she sent me samples of her work and I like her style. So today I booked a sitting for me and Cecelia in January (when I'll be nice and ripe) - for FREE! I'll get all of the pictures digitally with the opportunity to order and pay for prints directly from the photographer. I am so excited. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! It's exactly what I wanted, and at the only price I am willing to pay. I'll say it again, I am so excited!

Sometimes, just sometimes, things really just fall into place. And it makes me happy.
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