Day Six - My Day

Dec 17, 2010 01:04

Today, well, today has just begun as it is only a little after midnight and I have not yet gone to bed. And seeing as how I have not yet slept, I shall describe the events of the day just passed. Not an exceptional day by any means, but not so dull as to deny report. You will have to forgive my writing style I have just now concluded "Becoming Jane" and not only has it made a profound mark on my emotions, my language has too been greatly effected. I am sure the symptoms will shortly pass.

To get back on point, my day began, as all working days commence, with an alarm, a rude awakening, and not my awakening. Oh no, my dear fellow's alarm is first to sound, and I am often denied the last few precious moments of rest. Once he is departed, my own alarm will rouse me again and my morning will begin. My ritual is short, concise as to allow the longest period of rest possible so I quickly dress and eat and wash and bundle myself into my automobile. Automobile is a brilliant word, by the way - always makes me think of old fashioned ladies with their riding goggles and a scarf flying behind them. This morning again required my presence in our lab in Thomastown and the journey was, as usual, quite taxing. However I arrived on time and took up my established routine, finalise the previous evening's post, and being on the production of the following stack of orders. Pray the printer does not finally stage a full protest over blatant overuse, and watch over the other temporary staff members to ensure their minds do not wander too far from the work to be done which, while simple in explanation, does require a certain attention to detail.

Considering my recent decision to accept the new position offered to me by a certain law firm, I discussed at length the course of action to take in terms of the termination of my current position. It was thus decided that tomorrow, this day in fact, would be my last in the office, however it was insisted upon that I still attend the christmas function the week following in order to allow a appropriate farewell. I found this situation quite agreeable as I shall now have the please of a fortnight's rest before commencing my new found appointment. As I have already stated to some, in passing, that this new position is not one which I find entirely ideal, it is a strong position to hold, it will surely keep me busy, and as they say being occupied with a profession should keep me out of trouble. At least some, perhaps. I detest being idle for too long therefore I should hope this new position will provide relief from at least that. I have not yet come to a decision in regards to the personalities of my coworkers, which is somewhat of a concern, and the salary is almost offensive, despite being a little more than my current wage - the expectations impressed upon me during the course of interviews suggested a highly meticulous work ethic to which should be attached a more substantial figure. No matter, a job was required and has been procured, and should it not be what I hoped for, or what I am able to manage, then alternatives can easily be addressed.

Continuing with my day, my work concluded in the evening and I arrive home at a respectable time to prepare dinner, unfortunately my dear fellow did not have time to stay and I am disturbed to report that he rushed out with little more than a jam sandwhich. He is, naturally, a very busy man. Once dinner and dishes had been done housework was on the menu, a thorough scrubbing, dusting and sweeping was performed and I must admit to feeling far more comfortable in my surroundings since. Upon completion of such chores, I congratulated myself with a small snack and made myself comfotable to watch the aforementioned "Becoming Jane" a movie I had, surprisingly, not yet seen. I found it to be quite to my satisfaction, moving me to tears in its conclusio, inspiring me to take up Miss Austen's collection for another reading. Perhaps I can add this to my 'to do' list over my upcoming retreat.

It is now well and truly the end of the day, my eyes are closing their lids, my mind is winding down, it becomes more and more difficult to put thoughts to paper, or text, as I suppose one must call it. So goodnight, dear world, remember to look out for the one little thing that makes a day worthwhile. It is always there, you just have to pay attention or you might not notice. I know I am frequently overlooking them.
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