Only halfway through...

May 16, 2011 01:31

Oh May, what a month you are turning out to be!

Everything is hectic, it all flies by and I just don't have the time to stop and look, to admire the many wonderful things happening.

One of those months were I am not home often enough to put all my adventures into my calender, so I have nothing on which to rely, nothing to remind me, or prove it all was real.

First of May, meandering down to Kellybrook, pausing over the orange and gold sea of grape vines before ambling along up to wide old oak tree to share a picnic and sip sweet cold cider to the sounds of laughter and folk music. A magical day!

The following week adventuring to Spotlight to rummage through sale tables finding odds and ends to creatue such appropriate evening wear for Steampump, buckles and bustles and brass keys and silky brown cloth all coming together. An unfinished piece but sufficient to head out into the chilly evening for a surreal underground event, perfect for wandering through the maze-like corridors, sitting down for a tarot read, sipping tea and glimpsing many familiar faces and even more pretties and shiny things. It was an evening to inspire!

Each week night another friend to see, a movie to watch a dinner to enjoy or a hug to be had. Sometimes all three! Coming home each evening, often past a respectable bed time, despite the cold and empty bed waiting - nothing a fluffy blanket and hot chocolate cannot remedy.

Another weekend, another night of dressups. Gothic this time, purple and black, silver buckles. Seeing long absent friends, who live too far away. Many cuddles and hours of dancing, even a suitor of sorts made for a splendid evening.

More parties, birthdays and wine, cupcakes and fairybread! Another late night, and no chance for a sleep in...

Making cupcakes, pouring the mixture out carefully, mixing in the colour and layering slowly into patty pans. As the saying goes, baking is science for hungry people. Rainbow cupcakes is most definitely baking science. No time to fix the runny icing, a quick freeze and off again, rugged up in many layers, knitting on hand for these cold wintery months.

Twirling and spinning and leaning new tricks, finding new tricks worth learning. Delighting over the excitement of rainbows. Getting all of the hugs! Trouping off for dinner, doing my good deed and feeding a friend - boobs may be fud but they don't fill the stomach! Ice cream for dessert, despite the cool night, and the blue fingertips - very delicious, and very well shared! You cannot keep ice cream to yourself...

Warmed by many fire staffs and poi, amazing snuggles and extra jackets. So much affection, you can't help but feel good, and all warm inside.

Worried for a friend who is so sad inside, and so hard to get through least snuggles were provided.

Home to a burst of inspiration, despite the late hour just had to scan all the drawings, and peruse all the photos...fighting Monday morning to the last, the weekends are too good. But there are already plans for most nights this week, and all through the weekend.

Eventually it will catch up, the sleep deprivation will hit and everything will turn upside down. My sleep dep is giggles and insanity. The madness comes out. To be fair, I dont really mind - I enjoy the madness, but at some point my body will have to catch up, I shall have to hide away and recover. Regain my strength and start again ♥

weekend, adventure, madness

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