10 things I have done that you may not have done

Feb 26, 2005 13:53

Stolen from slomosexual

1.prolonged trip to england by 6 weeks... was going for 5 days but stayed for 7 weeks.

2.watched a movie with THE STROKES on plane to england (Runaway Jury)

3.had dinner with David Silverman and Matt Growning on many different occasions.

4.had sex in the bathroom at my place of work

5.lived on a nature preserve

6.chopped my LONG hair off with chicken shears.

7.surfed the North Shore in Hawaii 2 x

8.Sat 5th row home base at a yankees game .

9. took someone to the airport that I had known for 2 weeks, He invited me to go to NYC and I went with no clothes, no money, and I ended up living there... I dated him for 3 years!
10 . filled this out and realized that I have had an amazing life .. and I am only 23 years old... damn what else do I have to look forward to?
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