
Jan 13, 2005 08:50

So my 67 yr old Father is coming into austin today to take me to coffee...
I am not too sure what we will descuss, do to the fact that he has nothing to say to me.. except.. how is work, or whats goin on with school, which I hate telling him anything about.. because all he does is lecture me.

I went out last night with a gal friend. I really needed it, I had been confined to the man that I am seeing and had been getting weird vibes from him all day, actually, come to think of it, maybe I was giving off the bad vibes, because I even got them at the bar, sooo who knows, I may be the weirdo, come to think of it, I am.

My tattoo is finally healing, and I am having dreams about it, so ... I know it was a good choice, I am thinking about getting it in the old script on my left wrist, but worried that I will want that hand free of all shit for marriage, which I have been discusing very seriously with the man that I am seeing and think( I even told my mother and bro..( I think that might be why the pops is coming in ).

The tattoo is the hindu/buddhist mantra for compassion that I placed on the inner part of my wrist, facing down .. so that when I shake hands.. it delivers the message for compassion to the individual in to which I am greeting.. or it covers the back of the heart when hugged correctly.
I love it.
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