<=== THE LINEUP IS KNOWN! :D Shadows Fall is added, yayay! Nice music B-) I only think there's the problem of the two stages... great bands are playing on one while on the other stage there are even BETTER bands. I don't intend on missing any Shadows Fall, Children of Bodom, After Forever, Nightwish or Slayer. That shouldn't be much of a problem though... ;) :D :D :D :P
In july going to GB (england/scotland)! Will go visit Glasgow and meet Lindsay and perhaps Thorwald will come too :) Yay. B-) Also Paul mentioned coming up north when I will be in england. So YAY! :D
And why am I so hyper? Because I actually should study now? But AAAAH I CAN'T FOCUS ON MY BOOKS. I think I'll try now anyway. *nods* wish me luck! :P
... Do I use too much smileys?