I'm not a Zombie.. no really... put that rifle down.

Dec 22, 2007 20:16

I've felt like something was missing in my last work post and I've been putting it off for a long time in updating about it simply because I'm tired of the shit, it hurts, and it feels like it's been over talked about. I haven't updated since then or been on livejournal at all and I'm sorry about that D:

So, I went to talk to Corey after this post and... it wasn't just my co-workers. Some of the students were complaining too. I tried very hard to understand what they said and apparently never got it right. Ever. Or something. Anyway, they got frustrated enough with it that they bitched to my boss. I asked him if the students were told that I'm hearing impaired. He told me yes.

I went to talk to Melinda about it, since she's a neutral party in this and nice. She told me Corey was in his rights to do what he did. And get this... she gave me a form to petition for work accommodations. You would think I would have been given that when I first started working. You would think I shouldn't have to fill out freaking forms for it. But yeah, apparently I do and no one's told me about it. Whatever.

So basically it boils down to this town being horrible with disabilities and how to handle them. -_-# After going to Las Cruses, talking to Kristan, who's taking sign language classes, and just generally having a nice time there, it's really hit me that I need to leave. Anxiety aside, this place is shit. It's my hometown and I love it, but it's horrible when dealing with hearing impairment. If I was up in Santa Fe (which has the school for the deaf) or Las Cruses, it wouldn't be as much of a problem. Bigger cities = better accommodations. I already know that I could get specific things for my hearing problems on campus apartments.

...So yeah. I quit, I'm debating on even going back to school this spring (since it's too late to apply for Spring session in Las Cruses) and just going this Fall. Work in the meantime. Grow some balls though not literally, ew.

And now that I've updated on that, I probably won't feel so guilty that I stop going to livejournal all together and actually read your entries >=\ I am horrible like that. I'm so sorry T____T More Crystal for the holidays, baby. I promise to try to be here more.

no mr. bond i expect you to die, work

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