random links

Dec 28, 2009 21:13

ok now i'm making excuses for not posting something substantial...BUTTTTTT (ahaha butt) really when i get better i'll start writing coz right now i have a cold *cough* *sneeze* see?

for now, please go to this link for an AWESOME article:


so why this sudden spazz? well in between trailing through a million livejournal pages, i went onkattunlove  and saw another fangirl post up her interpretation of kame's 1582 (which you can see here: http://spaarklingwine.livejournal.com/10534.html ). Totally mindblowing. This article seriously pulled up my umm...perverted side and so i decided to do my own little search on oda and ranmaru. Then ta-da! Google gives me a result from livejournal.

To summarise this is a great article on the well known military official oda nobunaga and about 400 years later *PLOP* his descendant the olympic ice-skater oda nobunari. Poor guy is so...i won't say gay, coz nobunaga the general himself might be, but.....this olympic dude seriously makes you think he has actually had a gender change. That, or on happy drugs. Very VERY happy drugs.

pointless rambling

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