Bliss is all dressed up, and there's no one to dance with

Dec 16, 2007 08:02

Exams here are very strange. Biology essays? Mmmm well I think they are going okay. I hope. 2 down, 2 to go.

I finally sent out a mass email...I hope it wasn't too annoying. I tried to put a disclaimer about not feeling obligated to read it right at the beginning. But I think it might be a good idea to give people a vague idea of what I did over here before I get home so that there won't be too much inundation with questions. Speaking of which.......
I will be HOME in LESS THAN A WEEK!!
I will miss Ireland like whoa. This past week every time someone Irish talks to me it makes me happy, even if they are reprimanding me because they are annoyed that my DART pass won't work ahahaha.

Sarah came last weekend, and then Rosalee was here this past week - i just dropped her off at the bus stop 2 hours ago. I had a lot of fun with both of them! Not so great with the whole final exam thing though. Lol I actually got enough studying in I think. Now I just really have to work hard today thru Thursday. Then I am making a Xmas dinner for all of the ND people here on Thursday night, and Denise, Joe, and I are each going to finish an entire bottle of wine by ourselves - my idea. A good thing to do at some point in your life I think, and where better than Ireland?

I need to go shopping for irish christmas presents!! I think that is basically going to wait until next Friday. That could be dangerous, but as long as I know exactly what i want to get beforehand it should be fine.

should I go back to bed or study?
really i want to post my photos from the past couple of weeks
I am super jel of everyone who is already done with exams

tell me what will i find?
whoaaaaah heaven let your light shine down
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