Stuff lately - plus FC and TFF

Mar 28, 2013 18:11

It's been a while since I last sat at a keyboard and captured some of my feelings.

Lately it's been a mixed bag. Work has been keeping me busy, and while we are getting new people to help with the load, I feel like I'm not all-there mentally to help them along. I'd done this job so long, but it's been so scattered and reactionary in what I do, it's difficult to try and train anyone.

Since last I wrote an actual entry beyond twitter feed (which is still posted invisibly after a few years ago people complained), I've been to three conventions, one as Guest of Honor. started and stopped working out a couple times. Turned 45. Personal (2006) laptop kinda died and I'd been limping along on my old 2009 HP Mini netbook.

Lacking touch with my feelings, I'll just recap the recent conventions.

FURther CONfusion 2013
Second year at the convention center.

Thursday 17 Jan
Check into the hotel, drop off Croc and all his stuff. Then came back to drop off all my stuff, park at a park & ride lot nearby.
Pre-reg Thursday, then dinner at the Hilton with Bucker and company.
Twilight 12:45-2:15 am

Friday 18 Jan
took Yippee out for a spin in grey sweats, hoping to catch Mystery Otter at the mustelid panel
Advanced Fursuit Performing w/Groggy & Tylan Fusky
NovaShep's mac & cheese party.
RiyoShep party.
Helped Mystery Otter & Shy Matsi with a surprise cake for Electropaw.
Undies party with Cabby. And DiNGO in undies. And the required playing with Casidhe's boobs.

Saturday 19 Jan
Pita Pit with Rex Kitsune, Fenrir Sabre & Shy Matsi
Pachinko for fursuit parade (in red Star Trek skirt), Sherilyn (SF Weekly reporter) borrowed Blip again
Walden for hooves & horns photo shoot
Some filming for FNL for Furry Fiesta, catered dinner
Didn't make it out to Frolic, or dance. I blame the wine, scotch & rum.
Glenlivet 15 - thanks Mochi! Also found RumCon.
brief bunny time
2:00 am Hoagie Steak-out w/Kodi Skroy Thumper Tsuyoto & Quarks

Sunday 20 Jan
Pita Pit with Perro Huskers Juno; Max Coyote next table over
My seven suit photo shoot (Kodi Rayce RedXIX Feles Bohor Kofu Dane, photo by Chance, Thumper helped wrangle)
La Victoria dinner w/ Emejn & Marrok
More Pachinko filming, break for FC Unleashed. Attended a watching-party.
Finished Pachinko filming, hung out...
drank beer with (and as) Furball2k in the lobby

Monday 21 Jan
move back home. Came back to hotel to hang. Henrieke & Karpour finally got their luggage and finally got to suit at the con.
Dead dog party. Didn't bring a suit, since I was bringing everyone back home. borrowed someone.
Managed to cram Henrieke, Karpour & Kofu's stuff in my car.

Tuesday 22 Jan
Dropped off Kofu on the way to work.
Rahne's flight was cancelled, Croc picked him up.
We had dinner with him, Howee Henrieke Karpour Oz & DukeFawks
Duke the dawg visited

Dropped off Rahne on the way to work

Furry Fiesta
Thu 21 Feb
Arrive Dallas-Love field.
Met up w/Pacer & Ipequey, checked in with SJH FB2k and the FNL crew
Genghis Grill dinner - Aurius Albi Kwik, etc
Blip went out late before bed

Fri 22 Feb
Brunch at J's with Orzel Wag Silvy Briggs & G-Ni
Cherished Jaggers' paw
FNL first rehearsal
Dinner w/ Snap E, Nbowa, Midwest Cougar at Manny's Uptown, after the steak house looked way too fancy.
Baron 12:30-2:15 am

Sat 23 Feb
Brunch at McArthur's (hotel cafe)
Twilight in fursuit parade - walked with Dario! and Mystery Otter caught up to me

Digger Jones (prospector cougar I'd refurbished for the show) for the Dallas show opener
Pachinko as the Doctor's companion
swapped out to Furball (v2) for a scene where he visits 2009 and Furball (v1)
Got out of suit to do live vocal as Marty McFly (had to run back to the green room for script - without pants)
Swapped to Tungsten meerkat (as Timon) for Lion King of the Hill II: Simba's Pride Parade
(with Kwik and Nbowa as the happy gay couple)
Back into Pachinko for finale/Time Warp
had pizza at the wrap party. And beer.

Sun 24 Feb
Freebirds World Burrito w/ Vermy, Nevermint & Nbowa
Suit swap time! Albi Azul w/Baron, Blip & Pachinko
Closing Ceremonies, as Super Jayhawk's stunt double
Fogo de Chao with a buncha folks. Sat between Dario & Kiyo, across from Bigphin & Toasty

Mon 25 Feb
Lunch at In-n-Out w/Aurius & Albi
Hung out with FNL crew chatting in lobby/bar
Silverwolf turned out to be on my flight. BBQ dinner in Austin. Back to San Jose
and then, three weeks later, Furry Weekend Atlanta. I'll write this up separately, since it's fresh in my mind and I don't have to resort to summarizing notes and tweets and stuff.


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