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Jan 18, 2006 13:54

Class in an hour and a half...I can't believe I have this extra slot of time, I was expecting to be sleeping from the end of anthro to the very minute that I had to leave for French. But Anna called randomly at 12:20, and after that it was like, why not get up? I'm actually feeling very awake, though I look sooooo tired. Dark circles to the extreme.

I have crazy homework shit I need to do, which I'm going to start on as soon as I'm done bitching about it. My anthro professor seems to think it's fun to assign us 50 pages of reading before every single lecture (that's three times a week). She also assigned a "critical summary" of one of the readings, to be completed before that reading is discussed in lecture. I didn't have time to read and write about the first two, so that means I have to read 50 pages and write an essay about it, to be turned in before my 9:30 lecture on Friday. Seeing as the box I have to turn it in to is up at Social Sciences 1, I'm definitely going to be turning it in tomorrow night, rather than getting up to turn it in before class. My only worry is that I won't finish it until late at night, and that the building will be locked or something.

Luckily I have alllll day Thursday (okay, all afternoon--my class gets out at 11:45) to do this, so that is good. I'm thinking if I can get at least half of the reading done today/tonight, I'll have plenty of time to write the summary (after figuring out exactly what she means by "critical summary").

Today after French I need to go downtown and buy a skirt I was supposed to pick up yesterday. I only hope it's still there...I feel so stupid for forgetting to get it yesterday, while it was still on hold. Whatever, I'm sure it's not sold yet.

Then rehearsal! Yay! We still haven't blocked the scene I'm actually in, because the people playing the kids aren't showing up to rehearsals. I don't really mind, I have been getting homework done (sort of) and it's fun just hanging out watching the other scenes rehearse, but it's annoying how many people are just not showing up. I mean honestly. It isn't hard. I guess I can understand not wanting to go for three hours when you're only onstage for a few minutes, but you can always bring homework or a good book or something. There's wireless internet too, and the coffeeshop is right next door... It just boggles my mind that so many people are skipping out on rehearsal, without even notifying the director. People would never do that if they'd have to face a teacher or something (or the wrath of Cellucci, ahem), and it's just rude that they don't even have the decency to say "Um, I don't think I'll be doing the show anymore" (if indeed that's why they're not showing up).

My redwood burl makes me nervous. Some days it's all perky and green, and there are definitely more little spiky things than there used to be, but other days it gets all brown around the edges and wilts and stuff.... I don't know what to do. This should be the perfect climate for it (duh), and I keep it on my windowsill so it gets pretty natural lighting.... I think I'm supposed to feed it plant food every once in a while, and I haven't done that. Where can I get plant food in small quantities? Right now it's very pretty and perky, but even so it just looks...not as happy as it should. Siiiigh.

I've started myself on a diet and exercise program that is hopefully chill enough to be actually possible. Basically I'm just making sure I eat enough fruit and veggies (sooo hard in the dining hall), and I'm going to start doing stretches/exercises in the evenings, at least three times a week. Last night Becky did my exercises with me, and I think she's going to follow my program to some extent also (though she pretty much refuses to give up french fries and soda, which are things I'm happy to do without). So yes, hopefully I'll be in much better shape come summer than I was over winter break.

I suppose I really ought to read my anthro now. If only it weren't so long....
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