Yes, I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage.

Jan 15, 2006 03:03

It's interesting how some Christians have come to use the phrase "God bless you" as an ironic, scathing "last word" type of response. Example: "I'm not sure how exactly to respond to your comments. I guess I pray for mercy for you as you seem to feel so comfortable hurting and mocking the very creator who gave you the ability to do such. It's a little ironic.

God bless,

(Posted as hate-mail on the official Flying Spaghetti Monster website)

I fucking love satire. That and waffles make the world go round.

But seriously. What's up with this whole "better-than-thou" thing? It doesn't seem quite right or very "Christian" to use "God Bless" as a hidden insult, a burn, as Kelso would say. Hate mail in general is just so ridiculous most of the time...even when it's written in a pseudo-organized fashion, it still tends to make very little sense. I noticed that a lot of the writers of the longer hate letters had completely missed the point... Bobby Henderson isn't objecting to God or Christianity, he's objecting to the Intelligent Design theory being taught in science classes in public schools. One very long letter raged at him because he isn't satiring other religions, and in fact would consider it hateful and racist to do so...of course completely ignoring the fact that Native Americans are not in any way attempting to press their religious beliefs on others, at least not through the public school system (not that they're in any position to do so). The whole satire is based on the fact that the separation of church and state in this country is not so wide anymore, and is steadily lessening. And also the fact that, thanks to this, we're willing to accept faith-based theories such as Intelligent Design into our education system, but we'll openly laugh at the Flying Spaghetti Monster, which technically has equal rights to be taught as a science (read: none at all).
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