Feb 08, 2007 15:54
question for Ye Old Skool Dallas Goths:
so, I've been listening to this song that is both creepy and addicting, and I don't know who it's by.
the main refrain is done by a male singer with a whispery/british accented voice, and it goes something like, "break the cage of/ desolation/ get yourself some/ dom-i-nation"...
it's on this mix cd that's supposedly a rip of some of the original DJ sets from the early days of The Church (I'm talking like, approx. 10 years ago...)
The track on the CD is actually a mix that begins with Concrete Blond's "The Vampire Song", then this Dom-i-nation song, then finishes up with Peter Murphy's "Socrates The Python".
sound familiar? Any ideas what this song is/ who the artist is? A google search for the lyrics turned up nothing for me.
gothy music query