Mar 30, 2006 22:44
Wow.. two entries in ONE day! Wholly crap... This is hardcore...
So today was just..easy. Math assessments pose no threat. Either that, or I just don't care. Which ever it is, I'm not loosing any sleep over it. That's David's job.. :P
Prom is almost screwed up again! Jesus Christ.. I didn't think it'd be this hard!
You know..laptops are cool. I never yearned for one.. but I've recently been kinda wanting one.
Unfortunatally, I have to play rap at my birthday party. I am striving to get some music for everyone. I guess rap is okay to dance too as well. It's just..after a while it sounds really repetative and annoying. But, there will definitally be a mix of music. THough, haha, mostly rock ;)
So.. apparently people think I'm quite innocent.
I was in biology and for a lab we had to sort these cards by size. I was with this preppy chick (but shes nice) and this preppy guy was talking to her sorta kinda over my shoulder. And the girl said "Yeah, we have to sort it by size." And I, being in my normal humorative state, said "yeah.. size matters." THey both were like OMG! She said "You're too innocent to say that!!!!" I just amazed them both. Hahaha. I thought it was funny. Come on, my sense of humor is perverse..what can i say? ;)
I took a four hour nap yesterday. And it felt so right.