Why Paying Attention Could Save Your Life

Sep 23, 2013 16:43

The other day the custodial supervisor for the University where I work showed up at my desk with a couple of rolls of paper towels.  It seems that he'd gotten a call from the regular custodian alerting him to the possible loss of her keys and as a result we may be running low or almost out of paper towels.

The above is what he told me.

What REALLY happened was our regular custodian called her supervisor, alerted him to the possible loss of her keys and that we were about out of TOILET PAPER!  This I figured out when I was ensconced on the throne doing my throne-ly business and realized that there was damned little paper with which to do my paper work with.

This brought forth some amusing emails, somebody getting into their Secret TP Stash, and a bemused custodial floater/flunky to actually bring us more TP, unlock to lock and replace said TP.  That we didn't have to go to DEFCON 11 is a minor miracle.

And yes, they use great big Master Locks to lock the TP dispenser down here.  Why anyone would want to steal the TP from here is beyond me, as I'm sure it's at least 47 grit.


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