30 days of Thanks: Days 12 & 13 & 14

Nov 14, 2012 10:46

I keep thinking I'll "get on track" but it seems it isn't going to happen...oh well, I'll keep plugging along.

I am thankful for Rational Thought.  Those people who have the ability to think something through without letting emotional reactions clutter the process, who can see the truth or heart of something and look at that in a more objective fashion.  As most of us tend to react to things (politics, family issues, work problems, etc) with a heavy dose of emotion in the mix, it can cloud the solution which quite often entails accepting responsibility (which can be seen as blame) by one or all parties involved.

I wish I was better at this.  I wish I could let go of my inclination to charge into discussions or topics allowing my emotions to overtake my reason or ability to think more objectively.  I'm thankful for the times it happens, and long for it when I realize I've acted the fool by not doing so.


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