10 Day Meme: Day Three - 8 Ways to Win My Heart

Mar 10, 2011 06:49

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.


Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.

I’m married. I like being married, namely because I not only love my wife, but I happen to like her more than most anyone else I know. So, aside from my daughter and other family members, my heart is off the Prize Winning market.

BUT! I like people and love having me some friends. So, I’m going to use this particular question (and a couple of subsequent ones) to illustrate qualities I look for in friends. Aside from being human beings, of course.

1. Be honest - Don’t fucking lie to me. Don’t play me. Don’t dick me around. I can forgive it, but I sure as hell won’t be in a hurry to forget it, nor will I be all happy, happy, shiny, shiny with you in the trust department. I tend to extend trust until given a reason not to.

2. Be clean - Take a bath, clean clothes, brush your teeth, comb your hair. I don’t expect high fashion, but being clean shows self-respect. That shows you are capable of thinking of others (most of the time). (I realize there are reasons some can’t meet this, and I do take circumstance into consideration. But, if you are able and don’t? Keep moving....)

3. Have a sense of humor - Especially about yourself. Because if you’re acting stupid/silly or something like that, it’s just better I’m laughing with you instead of at you. Because I will be laughing. And I expect you to laugh with me when I am likewise being a goofball. Furthermore, a sense of humor shows compassion and intelligence.

4. Be kind - Not just to me, but to those less fortunate than you. That’s the true test of kindness. When you show it with no expectation of return. Truly, kindness is its own reward.

5. Be flexible - Minds, like parachutes, work best when open. Be open to other ideas, or schools of thought. Think about things rather than just parroting what some knucklehead on TV/Radio says you should think. Be your own person, and that requires a flexible mind. Challenge your thinking by taking in the opinions of those you disagree with.

6. Read - Books, news, poetry, cereal boxes, something/anything besides work related words. Reading stretches your mind, makes it work better.

7. Be patient - On occasion, I can be prickly and/or difficult. I have reached the conclusion I am like Fine Scotch, an acquired taste. I snap out of it when my internal B.S. meter alerts me to the fact I’m spewing nonsense and being a bonehead. It also makes me more forgiving of others and their moments of challenge.

8. Acceptance - Accept people as they are. Including yourself. You are not able to control how others behave, but you can and should control how you react to them. It will make life easier to navigate. Furthermore, self-acceptance doesn’t mean you should not strive to be better, but that you realize your own value. It’s easy to say and hard to do. But so worth the effort...

+, meme, people

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