(no subject)

Sep 27, 2010 21:33

People are screwy.  Some of them tend to get their panties in a bunch over the darndest things.  Not only that, but are willing to go to the extreme of cutting off their nose despite their faces to prove a point nobody but them gives a damn about.  I've got an example to illustrate just how silly, goofy and downright weird people can be.

In the near future, there will be a Dinner Train here in Columbia.  The owners have had the dining cars and the F Unit locomotives painted up to look like the old Wabash Railroad cars and locos did in the three color arrangement back in the 1950's.  Since the COLT Railroad that runs between Columbia and Centralia is the old Columbia Branch of the Wabash, this is a great nod to the history of the area.  The owners could have just ginned up a goofy name for the dinner train (Well, they did that.  They are calling it the Columbia Star Dinner Train) and slapped that all over the sides of the locomotives and cars, ignoring the history of the rails they will be traveling.

Recently, somebody on the Wabash Historical Society Yahoo group posted a few photo's of the new repainted F units, with the Wabash markings, and 1950 & 1951 on the numberboards, a nod to the era of the engines themselves.  They looked quite nice to my eyes, but some on the list and in the group were crying foul.  The dark blue wasn't exactly the right shade of dark blue.  It was closer to some other railroad (that is also a fallen flag), and the engine numbers were "fairly land" numbers and this whole thing was making a mockery of the Wabash heritage because these idiots couldn't get it right.  Heck, he even said that he had the correct information and would have given it to them free.  He further suggested that perhaps they owners should sue somebody.

There was one word floating around my head while reading these several messages and that was "IDIOT!"  Actually, it was two words, but the first one started with 'F' and it ended with 'King' and had bupkes to do with fire trucks or the King.  This guy was a real piece of work, in my not so humble opinion.  Getting all bent out of shape and thinking lawsuit over a paint job on a privately owned train engine in service to haul people with more money than sense up and down a 20 mile rail line on Friday Nights.

Somebody else piped up about how disappointed they were, and this was met with the suggestion that if you don't like it, well don't ride the train.  I am fairly certain this was meant sarcastically because that is a rather extreme position to take.  Yet, that is exactly what this 2nd Idiot did.  Said that since the paint job was "off" he wasn't going to support such endeavors and wouldn't ride the train at all.

I am astounded at how far some people will go when they get a bee in their bonnet and want to nit-pick something to death.  Part of me wonders if they will picket in protest or if mean articles about what idiots the owners are will appear in 'The Banner' which is the official publication of the Wabash Historical Society.  I also wonder what drives somebody to act like this.  It isn't like the paint job is going to affect the ride of the train on the old Columbia Branch, is it?  I guess for these two goofballs, it is.


The above is an edited partial version of my 750words.com for today.  I chopped out part of it because I didn't really want to embarrass the other damn fool who got all bent out of shape for no good reason.  And it is nobody on the FList, so relax.  :-)  I am not talking about anyone here on LJ.  Honest!

Oh, and I got a couple of nifty badges on 750words.com.  One was just before the accident.  I got the Hamster badge for 10 days consecutive writing without a distraction (which they define as 3 minutes of a quiet keyboard) and tonight I got the Cheetah badge for 10 straight days of finishing my 750 words in less than 20 minutes.  I guess that string started before the accident and it wasn't something I was really trying to accomplish.  Too bad my typing speed is still only around 45 wpm...which is slightly faster than the 38 I got in typing class in 9th Grade at Tappan Jr. High.

trains, people, idiots, life

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