(no subject)

May 26, 2005 23:51

interesting meme from bern ^^

5)Ying Tong
6)Wei Min
8)Wan Li
15)Hui Min
17)Jie Ying

The questions:

1. What is #3's function in fandom? (Is s/he a writer, an artist, a reccer, an essayist, a pure fangirl/boy? etc.)
She's not into anime much (despite all the things i've done to get her into it T_T)

2. Would #9 and #15 have many common topics of discussion if they were ever to meet in real life?
They could talk lit!! but i doubt they will ever meet, and they don't have many similar interests. i have a weird variety of friends -_-''

3. If #17 were to be stranded on a deserted island, which books would s/he bring with her/him?
^_^ one about turtles maybe? ( if it were a person i would get it right ;D )

4. What type of character does #10 most consistently end up fangirling/boying?
FUJI!!! (complete with squealing and much hopping around, you gotta admit it, joanne's a fuji-fanboy to the core..) [sort of^^]

5. If #1 were placed in the position to argue a cause, would s/he instinctively respond with emotion or logic?
emotion peppered with lots of passionate hand gesturing to prove her point. (she may or may not hit someone with said hands ^^;)

6. If you were given the chance to meet up with #6, would you rather throw a slumber party, have a drink together, or join her/him in a fannish experience (con, concert, movie)?
WEI MIN!! i wanna have a slumber party where we can have LOTSA fangirling over various bishies!!

7. Does #19 talk more often about fannish or personal matters?

8. Is #2 a believer in fixed seme/uke positions?
She's disturbed by the terms.

9. If #13, #4 and #18 went on an outing together, where would they end up?
Tiss and Von will be fangirling and giggling over slash while kexin will get horribly, terribly confused. That, or tiss and von actually succeeds in getting her into slash. then it would be very scary indeed.. ^_^

10. #20 is an optimist/pessemist. (choose one)
he believes in himself alot, so i guess its optimist..

11. How did you get to know #8?
she's in my class, but we got much closer due to project work. SUNDAES!! (she's a great cook!!)

12. Out of the people on the list that #14 doesn't know, with whom would s/he hit it off the most?
Shane, they're both geniuses. might have lots to talk/argue about ^^

13. If #7 were forced to endure either an over-the-top fluff fic or an over-the-top angst fic, which would s/he pick?
fluff, definitely.

14. What's #11's big fandom of the moment?
Not into any fandoms, unfortunately(or not) [ i'd hate to imagine HIM fanboying ^^;; ]

15. Name a few of #5's favorite authors/artists.
chinese authors who write good slash. i don't dare to touch those scary fics, i'd realise i've forgotten how to read chinese -_-''

16. Random fact about #16.
she has a really great figure ---> am jealous

17. Random fact about #12.
she's the one i got this meme from in the first place ^^

18. Does #9 belong to fst or dot_fst_snark (In spirit, if not in fact.)
nopez ^^

19. Without looking, can you remember what #4's last post was about?
i've got a goldfish memory.. and she has not posted in quite some time.. ( i think?? )

20. Out of all the people on the list, who do you think is least likely to fill out this meme?
quite a few of them, those who don't have blogs anyway..

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