So last night I was talking online to my friend when all the sudden I was kicked off my Idealism lover sn and couldn't get back on. I went on my yindsmonk sn and talked to my hacker because he was on my Idealism lover sn. I found out that they took both my yahoo and hotmail account, myspace, and my sn. I'll be getting a new LJ soon as well because this one is through my old email address. I'm in the process of deleting my myspace as well. I already have a new one. I'll add all of you soon enough. But anyway, and sure some of you will get a kick out of this, so here's the conversation between me and him... keep in mind that I'm yindsmonk and he's Idealism lover.
Idealism lover: =-O
yindsmonk: who are you?
yindsmonk: and why?
Idealism lover: Why what?
yindsmonk: why are you on my sn?
yindsmonk: why did you take all my stuff
Idealism lover: I'm hungry.
Idealism lover: Do you like buddah?
yindsmonk: yeah
yindsmonk: can i have my stuff back?
Idealism lover: Kool.
Idealism lover: hmm
Idealism lover: Sure.
yindsmonk: who are you?
Idealism lover: You are the owner of this account?
yindsmonk: yes i am
Idealism lover: And the yahoo
yindsmonk: yes
Idealism lover: and hotmail
yindsmonk: yes
Idealism lover: Did you have a myspace? My friend is on that. Ill make sure he doesnt do anything.
yindsmonk: yeah thats mine too
Idealism lover: ahhh
Idealism lover: I see.
Idealism lover: Very well.
Idealism lover: People are messaging me about video ipods :S
Idealism lover: wtf
yindsmonk: what?
Idealism lover: some guy just asked if that link is real
Idealism lover: i dont know which one he is talking about.
yindsmonk: what link?
yindsmonk: i dont know what your talking about
yindsmonk: and i dont know why you took all my stuff
yindsmonk: and you never answered me who you were
Idealism lover: Saujoe.
Idealism lover: I don't believe you know me.
yindsmonk: I don't believe I do either
Idealism lover: Vietnamese hacker.
Idealism lover: My intent is not to mess with you.
yindsmonk: nice to meet you I guess
yindsmonk: what is your intent then?
Idealism lover: I didn't even expect you to be on.
Idealism lover: I'm conducting a psycological experiment.
Idealism lover: Most of the time i go in and out and they never know.
Idealism lover: I dont do anything bad.
Idealism lover: at all
Idealism lover: so dont worry
yindsmonk: well, honestly, I'm kinda freaking out right now
yindsmonk: so maybe you could hurry up with that experiment and put everything back to normal
Idealism lover: I'm trying.
yindsmonk: what are you looking for in these experiments exactly
yindsmonk: ?
yindsmonk: are you almost done?
Idealism lover: I have to let it say idle for 1 hour O_O
Idealism lover: sorry.
yindsmonk: how about you hack me some other time
Idealism lover: Can't.
Idealism lover: The SSL wont connect.
yindsmonk: I don't know what that means
yindsmonk: but promise it'll be fixed after that?
Idealism lover: Will do.
Idealism lover: I'm not the one who took this account. I took it from him. He is a hacker by the alias HowlingWolf. I'm not as good as him and it might take me a while to get your stuff back. I'm in this account but I don't know the pass so if i log out im pretty much screwed.
Idealism lover: This shouldn't take too long.
Idealism lover: I have your hotmail not your yahoo.
Idealism lover: If i get your yahoo i can retrieve all of your things.
yindsmonk: that would be nice
And that's how it was left. So here I am now, still unable to get into anything. I hate hackers. All they were doing was promoting ipod video things or something. There's a huge add for it on my
old myspace. Check it out.