UPDATE (8/1/2009) : It appears that T-Mobile released a contacts sync app!
http://apps.t-mobile.com/ I haven't tried it, but it probably nicely solves the problem that this post solved a year ago.
UPDATE (6/25/2009) : Changed instructions and code to a bookmarklet! Much easier and doesn't require firefox! keywords: T-Mobile, google, mytouch 3g, g1
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I have edited/personalized to include all fields on the T-Mobile contact details page (as of July 4, 2009, USA T-Mobile), with the exception of person title ('civility') and notes ('comment'). I left off title because it is a dropdown and I could only get it to include the item number on the list (e.g., "4" for "Dr") instead of the value itself (e.g., "Dr"). I left the state field dropdown ('persoCounty' and 'proCounty') and country field dropdowns (persoCountry and proCountry) but assume these will have the same issue if a contact has a values there (none of mine do).
Hope this helps someone out....
javascript:var data = ["First Name,Last Name,Section 1 - Description,Mobile Phone,Home Phone,Home Phone 2,Pager,Home Fax,E-mail Address,Personal Web Page,Home Street,Home Street 2,Home Country,Home City,Home State,Home Postal Code,Section 2 - Description,Business Phone 2,Business Phone,E-mail 2 Address,Business Fax,Web Page,Company,Job Title,Business Street,Business Street 2,Business Country,Business City,Business State,Business Postal Code,"];TMO.ABPORTAL.LIBAB.contactManager._datas.each(function(person) {var a = [];a.push(person.firstname);a.push(person.lastname);a.push("Personal");if(person.homeMobile != null) {a.push(person.homeMobile.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.homePhone1 != null) {a.push(person.homePhone1.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.homePhone2 != null) {a.push(person.homePhone2.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.homePager != null) {a.push(person.homePager.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.homeFax != null) {a.push(person.homeFax.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.homeEmail != null) {a.push(person.homeEmail.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.homeWebSite != null) {a.push(person.homeWebSite.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.persoStreet1 != null) {a.push(person.persoStreet1.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.persoStreet2 != null) {a.push(person.persoStreet2.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.persoCountry != null) {a.push(person.persoCountry.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.persoCity != null) {a.push(person.persoCity.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.persoCounty != null) {a.push(person.persoCounty.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.persoZipCode != null) {a.push(person.persoZipCode.value); } else { a.push("") }a.push("Work");if(person.workMobile != null) {a.push(person.workMobile.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.workPhone1 != null) {a.push(person.workPhone1.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.workEmail != null) {a.push(person.workEmail.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.workFax != null) {a.push(person.workFax.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.webSite != null) {a.push(person.webSite.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.company != null) {a.push(person.company.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.jobtitle != null) {a.push(person.jobtitle.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.proStreet1 != null) {a.push(person.proStreet1.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.proStreet2 != null) {a.push(person.proStreet2.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.proCountry != null) {a.push(person.proCountry.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.proCity != null) {a.push(person.proCity.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.proCounty != null) {a.push(person.proCounty.value); } else { a.push("") }if(person.proZipCode != null) {a.push(person.proZipCode.value); } else { a.push("") }data.push(a.join(","));});var dataHolder = '' + data.join('\r\n') + '';document.write(dataHolder);
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