Feb 21, 2005 16:18
I worked today! (For the first time in who knows how long.)
It's only a two-day stint, but I can't stand sitting around all the time anymore. I figured it was better than nothing ($12 an hour didn't sound bad, either). :)
So, my sister Amanda picked me up at 5:30, we drove to some warehouse and we spent 8 hours sanding little bumps off of new grilles for Ford vehicles. Ford Navigators, I think, but I'm not sure, and don't really care.
It was easy, except we were both tired. I hardly got any sleep last night, it was one of those times where you know you need to get up early so it's impossible to fall asleep. Loads of fun.
I think I swallowed/breathed in too many chrome filings, though... my stomach is killing me.