I'm Inlove!!!!!!

Mar 17, 2005 19:49

Hey peples mmm...lets see wuts been going on.. Nothin much really this Friday i was supposed to go to sadies with Andy but their was a change of plans cuz it was a BiG ass Hastle so Fuck it..but Meesha And Jazzy are still going. Hopefully they Have FUN. While they're dancing their LIvES away. I'll be with My Love watching Movies n MMmm...Getting my Drink Onn hell yah.. haha CAN'T Wait. then yah iono i've been kikin it wit him alot Lately ahh I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!! He's PERFECT. well soemtimes only when he can bug Me. And my friends knw wut i mean but yah. LIFE is OKIE i GUESS. ya ya ya Bye beye LOVE: Mrs. Cevallos.

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