(no subject)

Dec 02, 2004 17:49

YaY!! 2Day Is The BeauTiFul BriTNey Spears BiRtHdaY She Is N0w 23 Years 0LD!! i kn0w s0me 0f u might n0t care, but i d000000000, cuz i L0ve her!! She's a R0le M0del t0 me Because She d0esnt Care what Pe0ple ThInk B0ut her, she's her 0wn Pers0n, and d0esn't Give a F*Ck, Kinda Like Meeeeeeee...Well Yah i Juss wanted t0 make it kn0wn That this is the Day she was B0rn. HaPPy BirThday T0 The Sexy Brit..Hehehe


Heres s0me Pix 0f Britney and her HusBand Kevin Arnt they Cuuuuuuuuute...l0l


HaPPY BIrThDaT T0 BrItnEy Yay!!!!!!!!

*Clap Clap* L0L

...0h And heres s0me quiz i t00k that Pa0la t0ld me ab0ut...
Which Britney Spears are you?
Sexy Almost Naked Britney
You are young and you have nothing to hide. You are a free spirit who has fun dancing and being sexy. You will be old with wrinkles some day, enjoy it while you can.

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