...My Best Friend JazMine...

Nov 06, 2004 23:43

I've Never Had, A friend like u

T0 L0ve F0rever, As Sisters Do

Y0u've been right there, By My Side

Through Good And Bad, And all the Cries

When i Need t0 Talk, Y0u Have the Ears

And When i Cry, Y0u H0ld Me Near

T0gether F0rever we Sha'll be,Like Sisters N0w...

Til Eternity!!!!

I L0ve U JaZmIne<3

WsUp F0000h "l0l" i just wanna Say There's N0 W0rds t0 Describe H0w G00d 0f  A Friend u r T0 me..0r a Pers0n u r t0 0thers...i Kn0w right n0w ur g0ing thr0ugh al0t, but y0u'll get thr0ugh it 0kay..n0 matter what i'll be here f0r u with 0ut a D0ubt, S0 When (U kn0w Wh0) G0es Crazy U kn0w WH0 t0 Call Cuz I'll Be there in A Heart Beat, t0 G0 And Help Ur ass Run Away!!!* Since SEC0ND GRADE y0u've always been there f0r me and we never g0t mad at each0ther execpt 0nce and that was gay, but anyways i juss wanna say i L0ve u And That Ill always Be here f0r u Bia N0 MatTer WUT!!!!!!!!!! BFF!!!<3 *LasHeS

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