
Nov 01, 2004 18:41

 Yah Well T0daY was H0tttt!!!! But its all G00d...Life is GREAT i feel al0t Better with myself and i feel as if N0thin 0r Ne 0ne is H0ldin me 0r pushin me D0wn Ne M0re...its like Being Freeeeeeee!!!!! well yah i wanna say thanx t0 that 0ne S0me0ne that L0ves me<3 and i care b0ut Al0000000000t!!!!!!! well yah Lately i juss been Kikin it n0t d0ing t0 much bad stuff 0r gettin 0ut 0f hand, im juss d0ing en0ugh n0t t0 push my limits 0n ne thing...H0pefully everything stays in Place s0 I can Be Happy!:) well I wanna put al0t 0f New pix that i have in my Camera but my dumbass Cam. d0nt wanna c0mmunicate with my C0mputer s0 h0pefully i get it t0 w0rk s00n s0 i can update 0n this Shiiiiiiiiiiznit! mmmm...well yah thats b0ut it theres l0ts m0re but juss t0 lazy t0 talk ...



I L0ve My Baby Melissa!!

My #1 TiNk Brit Brit!!

My B.F.F JaZmIne!!!

& My L0ve Andy...
::EDIT:: & *CHRISTIAN THE GREAT* **N0t T0 4Get DeZi!!!! The Sweetest Beautifullest,S00n T0 Be WHS CheerLeader!!!** ** and BriaN The Best HamBurGar SteaLer In The West :) ..!!* *Ne 0ne Else...Let ME kn0w Ill add u!

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