so i did pretty alright on my final cause i just checkd my answer so its all
up to that damn curve to bring my grade up up up pleaseeeee u stupid curve, just
give me an A for once in my life or osmething in bio hahahah
anyway so yesterday since it was last day of class for some of us... we decided
to go eat at the hk restaurant in sac... went with sibo, frances and kevin , had
dinner there and then we decided to go to arden super late at night and ta dan..
sibo bought a bathing suit.... this is a good thing.. so now she can finally go
swmming with us..... i remmeber how hard it was to get tina to come swim with
us... but yah so she is swimming now hahha we goota go swim everyday now so its
worth buying the bathing suit
miho, frances, sibo, nacy and i went swiming together at tangle wood.... it was
fun.... the tanglewood swimming pool is pretty nice... so we just swim there and
we were tryign to do flips and learn miho's way of swimming freestyle + frog
aftwd went back to sibo's place, miho was kind enogh to make soba for us.. super
delicious, she's the best cook
i'll let the picture tell the story.
so here are the pictures from yesterday
at the ristorante.. sibo and freances.... i like this pic... super cute hahah
funny face
ahhh super yummy, like the twnese egg cake taht they sell on the street except
this is like HK style
closeup shot.. looks like plastic thing that angela's dad make u know.. the
plastic bubble hahaahh but the big ones
all of us at the ristorance
france's ''cute guy'' q parece maliante oh we were doing paparatzi spirit.. so i
was like ''fake posing'' when sibo took the pic.. sibo can be a good paparatzi
hahaha not like ur pic harn te acuerda
kevins' food... somehow his food didnt come out that gerat like he didnt like
the place but sibo frances and i all like it cause everytime we go its really
good but somehow when kevin went.. his food was mediocre
francse's food.. super dlicious.. chicken with sauce and rice
baked short ribs with pepper creamy sauce, super delicious and cheap too.. only
our classic pose hahahah..... de pequeno a grande
then there is a whole body shot one hahaha
super sexy sleepy beauty frances, sleeping in the car, she'll kill me if she
knew i post this pic
after swimming, she's doing her hair and im just making weird pose
i think frances looks super cute in this pic.. she looks like lil kid and she's
wearing that top that u really like remember harn , we saw it at her place and
it was super cute
cute lil frances hahha
miho coooked soba for us... so good.. she's the best coook in the world.. we all
love her food so so so much