DAY SEVEN ★ worth the risk

Nov 12, 2015 20:55

Username: krayaddict
Prompt #: 53 [prompt details]Yifan usually surprises Yixing when the latter has activities in China, but Yifan gets surprised this time when his boyfriend shows up as a fan during a fan sign event.
Title: Worth the Risk
Ship: Lay/Yifan
Rating: PG
Word count: 4,000 words
Summary: Yifan usually surprises Yixing when the latter has activities in China, but Yifan gets surprised this time when his boyfriend shows up to a fan event in disguise.
Notes: I played with the prompt a little but I think the idea is basically the same. I just changed 'fan signing' to 'birthday event' because a) it'll be Yifan's birthday when these get posted and b) I felt there could be more interaction if it was a birthday event. Anyway I hope everyone likes it! Thanks for the prompt!

Yifan called for the third time that day but still there was no answer. He felt anxious because it wasn’t like Yixing to not answer back within the day. But it hed been two days since they last spoke on the phone or texted and now Yifan was worried. Did he do something wrong? Maybe Yixing’s mad at him. Maybe he doesn’t want to do this long distance relationship anymore. Yifan could understand that, because it was trying but for him it was worth it because it was Yixing. They had been through so much together and the thought that Yixing didn’t want to do this anymore caused a sharp pain in Yifan’s chest. What would he do without Yixing? Yifan tried not to let his mind wonder to those kind of thoughts. He needs to be lively and energetic, today especially.

“You’re on Yifan. “a stage hand poked their head inside his dressing room and he could hear the fans screaming on the other side.

Yifan fixed his hair once more in the mirror and gave a low sigh. “He could have waited until after my birthday to dump me.” He pocketed his phone and headed out on stage.


Yixing’s eyes wonder everywhere as he grins a dimpled smile. He can’t contain the happiness he feels to walk alongside others (who are likely mostly EXO-Ls) and not have any of them notice him, some of them even pushing past him, apologizing but not sparing him more than a quick glance. He doesn’t mind. After all, they aren’t there to see him anyway.

He is thrilled about how it is going not just because his disguise is working perfectly but because after 3 long months he is finally going to see the person he loves more than anything.

His road manager had protested the idea at first saying it was too risky and he was sure to be recognized and cause trouble and rumors the company could not afford but Yixing didn’t care he had to see him, it had been too long since they’d met face to face and he made up his mind he was going with or without anyone’s help. So rather than have Yixing sneak anyway unprotected and likely to be found out she begrudgingly agreed to help him. Yixing was grateful. It would have been hard to obtain some of the items he needed to pull off his plan.

First he had her find for him a long brown haired wig which he tied back in pig tales, he then put on a baseball cap which he hung low over his eyes and added a padded bra under a borrowed pink fluffy sweater which she scowled at how he filled it out better than she did. In the end she had to admit, Yixing did not look half bad as a girl and since no one was expecting him to show up in drag she believed he really could pull this off.

“So long as you don’t draw attention to yourself you should be fine.” She assured him parking a block away from the event where Yixing would meet up with her later.

“Of course.” Yixing smiled under the baseball cap.

“Promise me. Promise you won’t do anything…reckless.” The manager hesitated.

“Reckless? When have I ever done anything reckless?” Yixing tilted his head innocently to which the manager responded with her hands on her hip. “Ok I promise.”

“Thank you. I’ll come pick you up after.”

Yixing waved bye before running off to join the other fans hurrying down the street. He would walk into the fan meet as just another meigeni, there to see her favorite idol. He walked through corridor after corridor of the five star hotel in Beijing where the event was being held. It would have been extremely hard to find, if it hadn’t been for the flood of fans going in the same direction. Finally he came to the room he had been searching for. A Banner hung above the door that read:

“Celebrate Wu Yifan’s Birthday with Us!”

Yixing smiled and walked right in.

He easily made his way to an empty chair close to the back. Everyone else filled the front rows, wanting to be as close to the stage as possible. Yixing didn’t want this. He wanted to be some place that would be hard for Yifan to see him properly. He didn’t want his boyfriend to know he was there, not until he was ready. Meigeni’s slowly flowed through the doors and in no time the whole room was filled with chattering girls (and a few boys) all claiming to be Yifan’s biggest fan, his wife, his girlfriend, fiancée, even mother as they called him their ‘baby boy’. Yixing just snickered behind his hand knowing the truth.

Yixing’s pocket suddenly buzzed and he pulled out his cell phone to see the text he had received. It was from Yifan and read:


Yixing smiled. The text may have only said one word but Yixing understood Yifan was trying to say a lot more. Yixing was always the first to say ‘good morning’ and the last to say ‘good night’ but he hadn’t for the past couple days, with good reason. He was terrible at keeping secrets and this was possible the biggest one he’d ever kept from his boyfriend. If Yifan asked what he was doing tomorrow or even mentioned about his birthday Yixing knew he would give up his surprise. So he did the only thing he knew guaranteed Yifan not finding out. He ignored him, which was extremely harder than he thought it would be. Still Yixing smiled because Yifan texting “Hey” meant he missed him. He only ever texted one word when Yixing took forever to text him back and he didn’t want to seem like it bothered him, which it did. He would always follow up the text with a call if Yixing didn’t reply back. And like predicted Yixing’s phone rang again. This time it was a call and Yixing quickly covered the contact picture with his hand because it was a rare picture of Yifan coming out of the shower that would likely raise questions if other fans saw it. He instantly swiped the ignore button. He hated doing it but Yifan would understand later.

The lights dimmed and Yixing’s heart beat quickened as a slide show appeared first and Yifan’s face flashed quickly across the screen from different angles. That alone had Yixing a nerves wreak, it really had been too long since he’d seen him. He took in a deep breath clapping with the other fans when it finished and suddenly the MC entered the stage.

After a brief introduction and a rundown of the night’s events it was time to bring out the star of the show. With a loud drum roll Yifan ran on stage sporting a nice blue blazer with black under shirt, slack denim jeans and a silver haired wig he’d been showcasing for a while that Yixing didn’t exactly hate. Everyone jumped up screaming (some crying) all applauding him. It was strange to be on this side of the stage but Yixing enjoyed it. The audience’s energy only busted his own and he was very excited for the night to come.

“Hello everyone I am Wu Yifan.” Yifan bowed giving a big gummy smile when he stood up. Yixing always loved the way Yifan interacted with his fans. They were the most important to him. Yixing would often joke probably more than even him. There was nothing Yifan wouldn’t do for them and he showed that in a number of embarrassing events that night including giving five cute expressions, calling a fan up for a fake proposal and dancing to “Turn all the Lights on” which Yixing had to laugh at how Yifan didn’t apply any of the dance skills he had obtained in EXO.

“Now we’ll take a few questions from your wonderful meigeni’s. Does anyone have anything they’d like to know about Yifan?” The MC asked.

It seemed like almost every hand in the auditorium went up and Yixing watched in anticipation for what the fans would ask.

“Which do you like more acting or sing?” one fan asked. Yifan gave a very idol answer as to not disappoint anyone saying he enjoyed both. He would like to focus more on acting right now since it is new to him but music will always be a big part of his life.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” Another fan asked at which everyone in the room squealed and Yifan went red lowering his head from embarrassment. Yixing watched in amusement wondering what he’d say. Of course he wouldn’t out himself Yixing knew that much but it was still a curious question.

“No I don’t.” He sighed sadly then looked up hopefully into the crowd. “Does anyone here want to be my girlfriend?” At this the crowd erupted as everyone jumped up raising their hands screaming. Yifan smiled that clumsy smile that says he’s being mischievous and nodded approvingly. “Ok, from now on you are all my girlfriends.”

Yixing shook his head laughing to himself. Yifan always had good chemistry with his fans but these questions were too obvious. He knew the manager would be furious if he drew attention to himself but he couldn’t help it. When it came to questions about Yifan Yixing had to always intervene. His hand shot up like an arrow straight and true and soon caught the attention of the MC who called on him.

“Um yes…” Yixing heightened his voice to a more girly tone and kept his head down. “Is it true you can burp the alphabet?”

Yixing quickly sat down and was lost from sight as all the other fans remained standing and now laughing at the ridiculous question. Yifan however had lost his smile and had a slight blush on his cheeks as he looked around awkwardly.

“Can you?” The MC questioned again. Yifan smiled nervously rubbing his neck, a clear sign he was uncomfortable and Yixing couldn’t help giggle to himself.

“Uh…yeah sort of.” Yifan finally said weakly.

“Wow…we’d like to see that.” The MC encouraged the fans to cheer him on and Yifan quickly waved the request away.

“No, no, no…it’s so uncool. Please don’t make me.” Yifan pleaded.

“Just a few letters!” the MC compromised.

Yifan sighed looking out into the crowd of eager on lookers. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for his fans and Yixing knew it.

Yifan let out a low sigh but then began belching out A, B and C stopping at D to the roaring laughter of all the meigenis as his face turned a bright cherry and he covered it with his hands.

“Wow your fans really know you. I’d never heard you could do that.” The MC stared at him wide eyed and Yifan was curious as well because he didn’t remember ever mentioning that talent to the public. In fact only maybe twelve people knew of that secret and could get him to do it when he was drunk enough.

Yixing couldn’t help the fun he was having now and again his hand shot in the air. But before he could ask anything else another fan’s question was taken first.

“Did you know Zhang Yixings been seen with a few of the jackets you’ve sported before? What do you think of that?”

Yifan’s expression sank and Yixing too lowered in his seat as his heart raced. It was true, after all Yifan had given him the jackets because he liked how they smelled like him and they made him feel less lonely when Yifan was away. Of course Yifan couldn’t tell them that. He looked towards Yifan and he could have sworn Yifan was looking right back at him before turning back to the fan.

“I think he has good taste in clothes then.” Yifan nodded approvingly and the crowd accepted his answer with loud applauses and “awes”.

Yixing decided to keep out of sight for the remainder of the event. A few times however he felt Yifan’s stare on him but maybe every fan felt this way. At the end of the event after they had brought out the cake and sung happy birthday the MC gave a special announcement.

“Now 20 lucky fans will get to come up here and give Yifan a hug for his birthday. Yifan will draw the seat numbers then please file in a line near the stage.”

Yixing quickly checked his seat. The odds of him being picked to go up were very unlikely but still the idea excited him when it should have terrified him for being found out. Slowly all the spots were filling and Yixing felt less and less likely he would go up when suddenly.

“Seat 101” Yixing eye’s widened as he remained frozen in place.

“That’s you.” One of the fans excitedly nudged him to get up and everyone around him applauded. He looked around nervously. It would be strange if he denied this offer. After all what meigeni wouldn’t want to meet Yifan? So Yixing slowly and shakenly headed toward the stage.

He stood in line behind a few short girls. Actually looking around he noticed he was taller than all the girls lined up and he worried he stood out too much. He tried to slouch and copy the stance of the cute girls in front of him and hope no one payed too much attention to him.

One by one the fans went up to hug Yifan and Yixing came closer to the stage. Yixing’s heart raced as he wondered what Yifan’s reaction would be. There was no way Yifan wouldn’t know it was him now. He had planned to surprise him in his dressing room later after the show but this was way better, getting to hug him in front of so many people would really be amazing. He hadn’t done that since MAMA era. He wondered if he could sneak a kiss too but figured he shouldn’t risk it.

Then it was his turn. He looked straight at his boyfriend and Yifan looked back with a warm smile. Yixing could feel himself shake. Was this too risky? What would Yifan say? What if someone noticed? Now he was on stage just feet away from him. His manager would not like this for sure. He kept his head down trying to look shy until he was right in front of Yifan and he could see his chest only an inch away and smell his cologne and he wasn’t expecting his heart to be pounding so loud in his chest. He wanted so much to wrap his hands around his neck so Yifan could wrap around his waist and lift him off the ground like they always hug but he knew he had to stick with the way all the other fans were hugging him. A humble around the stomach hug.

“H-happy birthday.” Yixing said softly with his head bowed and leap forward with more force than he anticipated making Yifan take a couple steps back before regaining his balance. He closed his eyes tight and pressed his head to Yifan’s chest taking in all his warmth. He had missed him soo much. He thought the hug would be quick like all the others but once he was in Yifan’s arms the tall male locked him in tight.

“Thanks for coming.” Yifan whispered down to him and Yixing was sure he knew it was him. He tilted his head back to look up at him and Yifan looked back down still with that warm smile he gave every fan. There was something strange about the way he smiled at him. After a short pause Yifan let go and gave him a pat on the back. “Thank you for your support. Be sure to come again next year” He said before pushing him to the side to accept another fans hug.

Yixing was dumbfounded as he made his way off stage. He turned back again towards Yifan feeling a bit confused. Had he really not realized how it was? How could he not? Needless to say that fact that they had met face to face and Yifan hadn’t said anything or realized it was him had Yixing in a bad mood the rest of the event.

“Thank you all for coming. I really appreciate you all being here with me on my birthday and I will remember this day and keep it in my memories forever.” Yifan smiled and bowed and everyone stood and cheered as he walked off stage.

Yixing only scowled. All that effort and Yifan couldn’t even recognize his own boyfriend when he was not even inches away. He tried to shake off the disappointment. He still planned to see him afterwards and he didn’t want to be in a bitter mood.

As Yixing filed out with the other fans he began looking around for a way to get backstage when he was suddenly stopped in the hallway by one of the security guards.

“Excuse me miss.” The tall man said. “Do you mind coming with me?”

Yixing looked around awkwardly. “Me? But why?”

“It’ll only take a moment. This way please.” He said leading him down a staff hall way.

Yixing followed him looking around nervously. Had he done something wrong? How long was this going to take? He needed to see Yifan. What if Yifan left the venue before he even got to speak with him?

They walked down several hall ways before going up an elevator all in complete silent and Yixing was surprised when they finally stopped in front of a hotel room door.

“Our guest of honor has asked to see you.” The guard announced and Yixing looked at him shocked and confused. So had Yifan recognized him after all? “This is a special privilege only a few fans get from Yifan.” He smirked before walking away leaving Yixing perplexed.

What does that mean? Yixing wondered. Is he saying Yifan has a habit of calling fans to his hotel room? His heart raced at the idea that Yifan was sleeping around. There was no way he would. He stared at the door for a moment before knocking. Within seconds the door flew open and the person he had been waiting to see privately all night stood in front of him. Yixing’s eyes widened as his boyfriend looked down at him and smiled.

“Come on in.” He grinned leading the way and Yixing followed hesitantly, still unsure if Yifan knew who he was. “I’m glad you came I didn’t think you would.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Yixing eyed the way his boyfriend acted nervous.

“Well…it’s kind of strange right? An idol asking you to his hotel room” Yifan laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck “Trust me I don’t call fans into my room a lot but sometimes you get lonely on the road.”

Yixing stared at him completely in shock. “What? What does that mean?”

“I mean I do have someone I cared about but what they don’t know can’t hurt them right?” Yifan said inching closer to Yixing with a wanting look and Yixing felt anger takeing over.

“You ass hole!” he shouted pushing Yifan so hard he fell back on the bed. He quickly made for the door but his wrist was grabbed almost instantly.

“Let go!” He shouted but was surprised to hear Yifan laughing.

“Yixing, come on,” Yifan pulled his boyfriend back into the room and closed the door. “Did you really think I couldn’t tell it was you?”

Yixing’s cheeks were red with anger and his mouth was in a pout while Yifan could only smile at how cute his boyfriend looked. “But-but your body guard said -"

“I told him to say that obviously,” Yifan grinned trying to wrap his arms around him. “…just to mess with you.”

“Why would you do that?” Yixing pushed him away again. “After all the work I did to get here.”

“Yeah well that’s what you get for ignoring me the past couple of days.” Yifan said back crossing his arms over his chest.

“I had to. I didn’t want you to find out.” Yixing sulked.

“Find out that…you’re a cross dresser now?” Yifan raised an eyebrow looking Yixing up and down. “I like the wig.”

“Same to you.” Yixing stuck out his tongue before removing the pigtails from his head. Yifan laughed as his boyfriend struggled to remove the fluffy pink sweater and padded bra to leave only his white undershirt on.

“Why did you go through so much trouble? I was going to come down to see you in a couple weeks.”

“But it’s your birthday. I wanted to be here with you and you’re always the one making the effort to come see me so I wanted to be the one to surprise you for a change. But if we talked you would have gotten it out of me for sure that I was coming…so I had to avoid you.”

“You are a terrible liar.” Yifan laughed grabbing Yixing’s arm and pulling him towards him to wrap him in a warm hug. “But you’re an amazing boyfriend. Thank you.”

Yifan cupped Yixing’s chin with his large hand and Yixing smiled leaning in as Yifan kissed him tenderly.

“I missed you.” Yifan said brushing Yixing’s bangs to the side. His eyes scanned over Yixing’s face as if trying to take it all in to keep in his memories for the months they’d be apart again.

“I missed you too.” Yixing smiled. “And just out of curiosity when did you know it was me?”

“Right after you asked that dumb burping question. Why do you always have to embarrass me?” Yifan asked looking down at him.

“Because I love that scared awkward look you get when your image has been ruined and I love that I can make it appear so easily.”
Yixing smiled with crescent moon eyes and Yifan couldn’t help bending down to steal another kiss.

“Yeah well you gave yourself away. I was watching you after that and it became more and more obvious with your reactions to the other questions. You looked more nervous than I was.”

“Yeah, you were really good at evading the questions. I especially liked your answer for the girlfriend one. Now how exactly am I supposed to compete with all those girls you promised could be your girlfriend?”

“You can start by staying the night with me.” Yifan said and his voice wasn’t teasing like it had been because he knew their meetings sometimes only lasted a few hours before one of them had to fly somewhere else and Yixing was sure he had been wondering how long this surprise was going to last. “Can you?”

Yixing sighed giving a small smile. “I can. And tomorrow night too.”

Yifan smiled bigger than he had all day as he picked Yixing up by the waist and twirled him around and Yixing had to hold on tight for dear life before they both fell back on the bed laughing. Yixing felt his surprise had been a huge success and well worth the risk.

-The End-

*fanfiction, rating: pg, day 07, ship: lay/yifan

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