Some original pieces on sale and Lisa Stock's Titania

May 13, 2010 13:01

my friend Lisa Stock will be shooting a prequel to her long planned fantasy movie Titania next early june, thus she made a fundraising (promoted even by author Neil Gaiman) to be able to cover the expenses for filming such prequel. I'll be contributing myself with a little song (a reprise of my old song "flying" specially designed for the trailer).
There are only a few days left to go and she needs to archieve the goal to be able to collect the money.
a href=>

I'm planning about making a fundraising for Underliving later in the summer, but meanwhile i'm making "one of a kind" pendants and selling some original minipaintings so I'm covering the recording of the project.

Spring tribal fairy
a href=>
One of a kind "The fair maiden" pendant

One of a kind "Queen of hearts" pendant

And other affordable pendants in the store

Still looking for a violin player/percussion based in Spain
Aún buscando violinista/percusionista en
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