
Global Regents

Jun 18, 2003 19:41

Global Regents today. easy except i messed up on the thematic essay. I only wrote about one conflict (Isreali-Palestinian) instead of two. That means out of a total of five i can only get a 2 or 3.

Now that thats over i can begin studying for the Math and Spanish. Neither of which i am particularly nervous about.

I am so freaking scared for the Chem regents. Even though i had mr. k for this past semester, i dont think im going to do well. I really hope i can get in the 80's (doubtful)

WOOOOOOO today i got to go to main street with Matt and David to get falafal WOOOOOO good times....finally

Mom just yelled at me for yelling at her. Thats ok she can shut the hell up for now.

Techno cd from gianfranco wasnt as good as i wanted it to be.

Pirkei Avos is fun to analyze although im finding little time for it. Im going to write it up on the computer and keep my analysis and all that in a binder and it will look professional.
FOr all who dont know Pirkei Avos is a section of jewish law dealing with ethics. Pirkei avos means literally ethics of the fathers.

i havta go to get those pens for greece so i can write. hopefully ill get one of two more sketches before i leave so that i will have more than two skethces to work with.

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