~~ ¡Adiós 2007! ¡Bienvenido 2008! ~~

Jan 02, 2008 00:41

Hope you all had lots of fun welcoming this new year =D. As for me, I spent New Year’s Eve at my grandma’s with most part of my mom’s side family. It was an awesome gathering and I enjoyed myself so much that I’m still half-asleep XD. And I was really happy that everyone congratulated me for both New Year and my birthday~ <333

So I’m finally 19 and I still have no life! XD Waaaa I’m really getting old, and in one year I’ll be saying goodbye to my teenage years ToT. I still feel like saying I’m 18 though *lol*; it won’t feel any different until I’m 21 :D Two more years! YAY!!! XD

On the 31st, Diani, Sha-chan and Hika-chan called me, along with some other friends and relatives~ =DDD Thank you all!!! *___* Then, my highschool friends came over for a mini party and had lunch with me =D It was great~! It’s been ages since we all gathered together =O Even though we are just four, because we are all busy during the year *blames college* it’s always very difficult to hang around together Y-Y, most of the time it’s just 2 or 3 of us plus other random people XD

Anyway, we had tons of fun X3 Fedra and Andrea are both already into the Johnny’s fandom ne, well Andrea is FAR more into XD. So Lucila was the one left, and she was all “what is so great about these Japanese boys?” XD Time to get her into the Johnny’s fandom~! <333 We showed her clips, videos, shows, concerts and I even lent her some DVDs =D It was mainly Arashi, Kanjani8 and NewS related videos <333 I think it pretty much worked ne! She was laughing really hard with all the shows and keep humming most of the songs~ Sooo proud of myself XD

Also, Nishikido Ryo you are getting SO popular over here! =O 
Lucila was definitely interested in him because she kept asking me stuff about him and praising him because he didn’t look “very Japanese” *lol*, and Fedra told me she totally loved him in 1 Liter of Tears. So they both started fangirling him XDDD Then I remember Sha-chan telling me Rory liked him as well XD, waaa I didn’t see it coming, but yappari he is the sexy Osaka man!

Ohh and my presents, I love them all *0* My friends even prepared hand made birthday cards for me that are so awesomely beautiful~!!! <3333 I’ll take pictures and post them here soon ;D I need to brag about them~ XD

And OMG! OMG! OMG!! Countdown!!!!!!!! *___________*
I haven’t watched it yet, but I’ve seen lots of screencaps and reports about it!!! The file is so big~ XO It’s still downloading…
These are some of the reasons why I’m dying to watch it X333 :
- Arashi was the MC!!!
- Groups combined to perform and sing other groups’ songs~ <333
      . Arashi x NewS!!! Waaa Jun x Ryo!!! DoS Time! *lol*
      . TOKIO x Kanjani8 with the eigthers playing the instruments *_____*
      . Toma appeared!!! X333
      . Nagase and Tsuyoshi kissed Koichi! XD Btw, Happy birthday Koichi!!! <333
      . Seishun amigo by Yamapi x Kame and Jin x Ryo X333
      . Yoko and Baru being camwhores =DDD
      . Oh-chan’s voice standing out when everyone was singing the new song “Hatsu Uta” 
Waaa I’m so excited about watching all my JE fandoms together~!!! X333

Ne ne, let’s start this new year with lots of love, friendship, good resolutions and greater responsibility! Gambatte ne!

Yay~ Sho’s month has finally started! <333

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