Jul 23, 2004 13:41
i have decided that i am never getting married and having children unless i find someone who i know for sure i will be able to spend the rest of my life with no matter what! whew, that was a long one! well ever since the stupid journal readind incident, this family has been having more problems than a freaking episode of jerry springer! i am still waiting for the crowd to pop out of somewhere and start chanting "JERRY, JERRY, JERRY!!" my dad has been so stressed out with the whole thing. he made a comment last night about how it puts a lot of stress on someone when they are trying to keep both sides happy. poor guy, i wish that there was something i could do to help. but i realize that this is a personal problem that he needs to figure out on his own. i jusy really wish there was something i could do to help him. maybe find a cheap divorce lawyer?? just kidding, i don't think it's that serious yet...at least i hope. anyways, i finally got around to cleaning my room last night, and sort of moving my stuff in. i am still not fully finished with it all. i am excited that i only have like, four weeks left then it is time for new zealand!! the only thing i am not looking forward to is jet lag and having to go back to school the next day when i get back. i will be walking zombie in the halls of south. ugh! too much talk of school, i am done with that subject now! hmm, what else has happened. not much really. i am still really craving oregon weed. the stuff out here is total shit. it is all shake, and even the stuff they call "good" is total crap! it is all dried and it takes a lot to make me even slightly buzzed, and i mean a lot! they all think that i am some kind of weed snob too. i guess in way i am, but only cause i am used to such good stuff. so i have kind of given up on getting high out here anymore. except for that opium. man that stuff was good!! i kind of want some more, but i don't want the neausea that comes with it. oh well. i guess that i will just have to get blazing high when i get back. kind of looking forward to it. i suppose, i should go finish cleaning my room. it's kind of nasty in there!