album cover art

Feb 22, 2010 23:20

omg, lol! look what I just found here*, about the 'Two Virgins' cover:

AndyRussell points out that Paul McCartney tried to convince John Lennon not to release this cover. John said he didn't mind the controversy it would create, to which Paul replied to the effect that it isn't very attractive - John agreed, but released it anyway.

Judging from the ratings on this site, many people wish neither the cover nor album was released.


I also love that Paul wasn't very worried about the controversy, he was just like: "dude, it's kind of ugly."

SPEAKING OF THIS. the reason I'm reading this is because I'm doing research on Music Imagery for a class. Basically from the early 1900's to the 1980's.

If you have anything you would like to share with me, anything at all (album covers, favorite bands, musicals, etc etc), please do!! I can use all the help i can get...

*although, I have to say the commentary for #39 on that list really bugs me. so out of all those covers with death and dismemberment, the only one that gets a "disgusting" is the one of childbirth? there's nothing disgusting about it, it's the creation of life, and it's awesome. I mean, I wouldn't put it on a record cover, but it's not disgusting! geez. people today. :)
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