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Day one: a song
Day Two: a picture
Day Three a book/ebook/fanfic
Day Four: a site
Day Five: a youtube clip
Day Six: a quote
Day Seven: whatever tickles your fancy
well, this is tough! I looove photos. So I'm going to share with you a photo, and then a photographer. :)
THIS AMAZINGLY COOL PHOTO will probably blow your mind. It blows mine! From the site:
This image is currently (as of 12/2009) the largest spherical panoramic photo in the world...When it’s printed, it will be 16 meters (53 feet) long at regular photographic quality (300dpi). It was shot in early October 2009 from the top of the Zizkov TV Tower in Prague, Czech Republic.
Czech it out. It's awesome. And, I want to go to Prague!! :)
Punam Bean. I adore her photos. They have so much beauty, in composition and light, but mostly in the moments she captures. I honestly have no words for how much I love her photos! :) If I have enough money when I get married, I am soooo hiring her.
A few lovelies
I am baking cookies right now! And will be wrapping/putting together presents later. Yay Christmas! :D