Oct 15, 2004 16:27
Ello dearies, how areth thou? everything peachy here just chilling. Thinking about going to the mall-o tonight, if my dad-o lets me that is. Hehe, anywho today was Hat day at the FLC and i wore my "got issues?" hat than i wore CJs NY white hat, than i wore Chazs hat than on top my sexy colombian beanie than Rays hat. LoL that was interesting. i was full of hats. Than i gave the hats back and i ran off with CJs hat, and i told him to go away that i wasn't going to give it back. haha i am mean. ANYWAYS the funniest thing today after school with Kry =) haha that was great. I'm trying to convince dad to let me go. 0=) Psh, he's not being to cooperative >.< well yea i must be off =) MY SUPERSQUIRRELS WORKED and i thought that HTMLS were overly gay..well i still do but Hey it worked, haha <3 -Duck-