101 Things in 1001 Days

Sep 08, 2010 14:34

I'm going to post this properly somewhere, with a better explanation of all the goals also, but for now this will do.

Starting soon, I will be trying to accomplish the following 101 things in 1,001 days. Some are pretty simple - things I've always wanted to do or have just never got round do doing. Others are more difficult. If you've spoken to me recently you'll probably have been told of a couple of these things, so here's the whole list for anyone who wants to see it.

I'll update soon on this, honest :)

1. No internet for a week. (0/7)
2. Document a month of my life using a Polaroid camera. (0/30)
3. Do a Day in the Life project.
4. Pick five things to start and finish on Instructables.com (0/5)
5. Re-enact at least one thing from pimpthatsnack.com
6. Complete an entire Sudoku book
7. Complete Final Fantasy VII
8. Host a games night with friends
9. Take a Sims 3 family to 10th Generation (0/10)
10. Play and complete all the Monkey Island games (0/5)
11. Complete the 5,000 question survey (http://5000questionsur.livejournal.com/) (0/5,000)
12. Go to a convention
13. Participate in a flash mob

Good Deeds
14. Raise £1,001 for Cancer Research (£0/£1,001)
15. Volunteer at least 101 hours (0/101)
16. Buy someone a gift from their Amazon Wish list anonymously.
17. Write a letter to five people who changed my life (0/5)
18. Donate 1,000,000 grains a rice via freerice.com (0/1,000,000)
19. Donate 10p for every minute I’m late for work (Currently £0.00)
20. Donate £20 to charity for every task not completed on this list (Currently £0.00)
21. Give my umbrella to a stranger on a rainy day
22. Learn to say Hello, Goodbye, Please and Thank you in ten languages (0/10)

23. Lose 50 pounds (0/50)
24. No alcohol for a year (0/365)
25. Go for a 20 mile walk
26. Go the gym at least once a week (0/143).
27. Be a vegetarian for a month (0/30).
28. Go to 20 restaurants I’ve never been to (0/20).
29. Have a change work-wise

30. Eat 20 things I’ve never tried before (0/20).
31. Eat Caviar
32. Host a ‘Come Dine with Me’ style dinner party.
33. Don’t drink fizzy drinks for 101 days (0/101).
34. No fast food for a month (0/30).
35. Make a curry from scratch.
36. Make a pizza from scratch.
37. Make homemade ice cream
38. Make homemade bread

Weird & Wacky
39. Buy a magic 8 ball and base all my decisions on it for a whole day
40. Dye my hair
41. Shoot a gun
42. Play beer pong
43. Jump into a body of water fully clothed
44. Win an item in a live auction
45. Get a caricature done of myself.
46. Write a message in a public bathroom
47. Say yes to 100 things I want to say no to (0/100).
48. Write a detailed zombie apocalypse plan

49. Go to Wrestle Mania
50. Go to Las Vegas
51. Go to Glastonbury
52. Watch the 2012 Olympics live.
53. Attend a film festival
54. Take a road trip with friends

Reading, Listening & Watching
55. Read all the books currently on my shelf
56. Ask friends for 20 books to read, and read them (0/20).
57. Read a book by someone I disagree with.
58. Watch 50 headlining bands (not including festivals) (0/50).
59. Listen to the top 500 songs on the Rolling Stones Magazine list (0/500).
60. Listen to every track in my iTunes library.
61. Learn a song on my guitar.
62. Watch 101 films at the cinema (0/101).
63. See a movie in IMAX
64. Watch a 3D movie.
65. See five plays (0/5).
66. Go to a drive-in movie.
67. Have a Star Wars Marathon Day.
68. Watch every DVD and Blu-Ray in my house.

69. Carve a pumpkin all by myself.
70. Learn a magic trick
71. Learn to juggle three balls
72. Colour an entire book
73. Go to a basketball game
74. Make a time capsule
75. Build a snowman family
76. Make a snow angel
77. Make a Piñata and smash it up
78. Go Fishing

Grown Up
79. Fly first/business class
80. Grow my own vegetable
81. Open a savings account
82. Put away £10 for each completed task - the total to be spent shopping at the end of the 1001 days
83. Learn more about my family history
84. Register to vote and actually Vote
85. Learn how to change a tire
86. Buy a house plant and keep it alive
87. Buy some shares/stocks
88. Brew my own beer

89. Learn to shuffle cards properly
90. Go to five theme parks
91. Have a bonfire on a beach
92. Go to the Maize Maze, get lost, find my way out
93. Get a piercing
94. Fly in a helicopter
95. Win a pub quiz
96. Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
97. Get my teeth whitened
98. Watch the Sunrise and Sunset in the same day
99. Watch a meteor shower
100. Write another list by the end of the 1001 days
101. Influence someone to make a 101 things in 1001 days list
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