Dec 01, 2007 18:59
Name: Rowan Hawes
Age (no one under 13, please): 17
Location: England
Three adjectives to describe yourself: Individual, Arrogant and Observant
If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you go, and why?: Iceland/Tokyo i have always wanted to live in a really cold country but i am fascinated by Tokyo culture so either of those two would do nicely!
What do you (or did you) want to be when you grow up?: To become a fascist dictator and rule the world *ahem* make lots of money and be very happy doing it thank you! I wouldnt mind a career in politics.
Any random obsessions you don't mind sharing?: I love the smell of woodsmoke and i love uniforms
What is the meaning/significance/derivation of your username?: Book series by Garth Nix, mister_monday is the name of one such book and is also the name of a character who is the personification of laziness.
Favourite three books, why?: Blood sinister (well written horror), Set in Stone (its one of those books which once you pick you find it difficult to put down, i didnt even guess the ending ><) and Silver Metal Lover (well written sci-fi love story....)
Favourite three movies, why?: Pans Labyrinth (if youve seen it youll know what i mean, blood, violence and pan shaking his ass what more could you ask for?), Prestige (really clever film, youve guessed it i'm a film critic) and Kung Fu Hustle (over the top comic book violence pretty much why i liked Hot Fuzz)
Favorite card and why? Blue eyes white dragon obviously it is the best card out there unless youre up against someone like Yugi who can beat you with f*cking Kariboh.
Favorite Yugioh character (GX or otherwise)? I like Kaiba especi0ally his concern for his brother, i also hold a soft spot for Ryouh (who doesnt?) and Yame 'cos he is just...awesomeness personified.
Anything else we should know?: I can wrap my legs round me head and i have a bad temper.
Please post at least three clear pictures of yourself, or a detailed description of yourself:
I would love to post pictures of myself, but these school computers being the pieces of shite they are wont let me so description it is:-
Spiky blonde hair, Pale face with Type your cut contents here.
freckles, Snub nose, Dark green eyes, Small >< and I wear a lot of eyeliner