[Lethe had gone to sleep in his hammock. He woke up submerged in...strange green liquid.
Naturally, his first reaction is to panic and flail about, his screaming muffled by the fact that the green oozing slime immediately enters his mouth. It's a good thirty seconds of terrified struggling until he actually manages to get his head out of the odd...cocoon like thing he had been apparently residing in. Lethe immediately spits out his mouthful of the strange slime before gasping to catch his breath, shaking when he realizes that he is
not in his room at all.
His immediate reaction is to try and get out of the cocoon, which only ends up with it toppling over and spilling its contents all over the floor before Lethe can compose himself enough to squirm out. The next thing to do is to get out of the room. Thankfully, it's not locked, but it doesn't stop him from getting a quick glimpse of himself in the computer's monitor...which doesn't help him at all.
He's not himself at all.
He has to get out of here. But his haste to get out of the room only leaves him more terrified, because Auriga's room is in the DR's basement. The DR's dark and scary basement, where there may or may not be the remains of mad and secret experiments. Or there may be one going on nearby. Who knows.
Either way, this experience is not going to help with recovering what little mental security Lethe's gotten since coming to this place. He'll just be wandering around the DR's basement in Auriga's body, scared and shivering and covered in green slime.]